Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


164 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. may just as well gie him some pease meal.” “he young Lord, after he became a distinguished and venerable Earl, used to tell this anecdote of his old friend, and always added that he remembered the whole scene as well as if it had happened yesterday. No. LXIX. THIS Plate represents MR, WOOD in the full possession of all that activity and fire for which he was distinguished in the hey-day of middle age. The cane is thrown smartly over his shoulder, while the whole bearing of the portrait is admirably illustrative of the bold and original character of the man. In addition to the foregoing reminiscences, there are a few other characteristic anecdotes of Mr. Wood, which may with propriety be given here. The following humorous one has been related to us by a citizen of Edinburgh, now in his eighty-third year. This gentleman was at the time an apprentice to Deacon Thomson, a glover and breeches-maker by profession. The Deacon was a guzzling hypochondriacal sort of a genius, and, like many others of similar habits, was subject to much imaginary misery. One night he took it into his head that he was dying. Impressed with this belief, he despatched a messenger for Mr. Wood ; but, being very impatient, and terrified that the “grim king” should seize him before the Doctor could come to his rescue, and suspecting that the messenger might dally with his mission, the dying breeches-maker started from the couch of anticipated dissolution, and went himself to the house of Mr. Wood. He knocked violently at the door, and, in a state of great perturbation, told the servant to burr1 his master to his house, “For,” continued he, ‘‘ Deacon Thomson is just dying ! ” Having thus delivered his doleful mission, away hobbled the epicurean hypochondriac, anxious, from certain unpleasant suggestions which instinctively occurred to him, to get again into bed before the Doctor should arrive. In this wise resolution he was however baulked: Mr. Wood, although half undressed when he received the summons, lost no time in hastening off, and pushed past the Deacon just as he was threading his way up his own turnpike.--“ Oh, Doctor, it is me,” said the hypochondriac. “ You ! ” exclaimed the justly-indignant Sandy Wood, at the same time applying the cane to the back of his patient with the utmost goodwill. He then left him to ascend the remainder of the stair with the accelerated motion which the application of this wholesome regimen inspired, and so effectual proved the cure that our informant has frequently heard the Deacon mention the circumstance in presence of the Doctor. The Honourable Mrs. * * * had taken a fancy to sit upon hens’ eggs, in order that she might hatch chickens. Her relations, becoming alarmed for her health, went to consult the Doctor on the subject, who, promising a perfect cure, desired them to make his compliments to their friend (with whom he was well acquainted), and tell her that Another ridiculous story is told of Mr. Wood
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