the Life and various vicissitudes of Fortune of the said Peter Williamson, who
was carried off from Aberdeen in his infancy, and sold as a Slave in Pennsylvania.
Containing the History of the Author’s Adventures in North America; his
Captivity among the Indians, etc. To which is added, an Account of the
Proceedings of ,the Magistrates of Aberdeen against him, on his return to Scotland
: a brief History of the Process against them before the Court of Session ;
and a short Dissertation on Kidnapping. Sold by the Author, at his shop in
the Parliament House, and the other Booksellers in town and country, price
Is. 6d. sewed, and 2s. bound. This book is illustrated with a new and correct
whole sheet Map of America ; likewise adorned with a fine copperplate frontispiece,
representing the Author in the habit of a Delaware Indian.’ Commissions
from the country will be punctually answered for this and all other sorts
of books ; as also stationery ware of all sorts. Where is likewise to be had, a
‘General View of the whole World; containing the names of the principal
Countries, Kingdoms, States, and Islands ; their Length, Breadth, and Capital
Cities, with the Longitude and Latitude ; also, the Produce, Revenue, Strength,
and Religion of each Country, price 6d.”’
An engraving of this “ machine ” is given in one of the magazines of the day.
It is now in use under the name of a basket scythe.
The following advertisement by Peter (April 9, 1772), is amusing enough :
“ This day was published, price one shilling the pack, and sold by Peter Williamson,
printer, in the head of Forrester‘s Wynd, Edinburgh, the IMPENETRABLE
SECRETwS,h ich is called the PROVERCBA RDS; containing excellent
Sentiment, and are so composed that they discover the thoughts of one’s
mind in a very curious and extraordinary manner. The explanation of the
secret is given gratis with the pack : each set consists of twenty cards, and ten
lines upon each card.” He at same time announces his “new invented portable
printing-presses,” by which two folio pages may be printed with the greatest
expedition and exactness. Next follow his stamps, and liquid for marking
linen, books, etc.; “ which stands washing, boiling, and bleaching, and is more
regular and beautiful than any needle.” He concludes by intimating that he
has a large and commodious tavern to let.
In the year 1776 Williamson engaged in a periodical work, after the
manner of the Tatler and Spectator, called The Scots Spy, M Critical Observer,
published every Friday. Complete copies of this curious production, which
forms a volume of upwards of three hundred pages, are now very rare. It is
chiefly valuable for local information, although some of the papers are by no
means deficient in merit. It commences on the 8th of March 1776 and terminates
on the 30th August following. In 1777 (August 29), he began The
New Scots Spy, or Critical Observer, which, having met with less patronage
than its predecessor, was abandoned on the 14th November following. This
latter volume is also very scarce.’
which he valued at five guineas !
The late Mr. Archibald Constable, who thought all “his geese were swans,” had both works,