Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


123 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. so much so, that the publishers presented the author with two additional 6ums of money, by way of compliment. Not long after its first publication, the volume attracted the notice of George 111. and his consort--a portion of the sermons, it is said, having been first read to their Majesties in the royal closet by the eloquent Earl of Mansfield. So highly did their Majesties esteem the merits of the author, that a pension of €200 was settled upon him. The Doctor afterwards published other three volumes of sermons, all of which met an equally flattering reception, and were translated into almost all the European languages. Upon occasion of the publication of Dr. Blair’s Lectures, Logan the poet addressed a letter to Dr. Gilbert Stuart, at that time editor of the “English Review and Political Herald,” from which the following beautiful extracts have been taken : - I need not tell you that I am very much interested in the fate and fame of all his works. Besides his literary merit, he hath borne his faculties so meekly in every situation, that he is entitled to favour as well as candour. He has never with pedantic authority opposed the career of other authors, but has, on the contrary, favoured every literary attempt. He has never studied to push himself immaturely into the notice of the world, but waited the call of the public for all his productions; and now, when he retires from the republic of letters into the vale of ease, I cannot help wishing success to Fingal’ in the last of his fields. * * * * Your influence to give Dr. Blair his last passport to the public will be very agreeable to the Ziterati here, and will be a particular favour done to me. It will still farther enhance the obligation if you will write me such a letter as I can show him, to quiet his fean.’’ Dr. Blair retired from the Professorship in 1788, in consequence of advanced age, and in a few years afterwards found himself also unable to discharge the duties of the pulpit. Such, however, was the vigour of his intellect, that in 1799, when past his eightieth year, he composed and preached one of the most effective sermons he ever delivered, in behalf of the Fund for the Benefit of the Sons of the Clergy, the subject of which was-“ The compassionate beneficence of the Deity.” In addition to his acquirements in theology and general literature, Dr. Blair was intimately acquainted with some of the sciences ; while it may be worthy of remark, he also indulged to a considerable extent in light reading. “The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments,” and ‘‘ Don Quixote,” were among his especial favourites. He was also an admirer of Mrs. Anne Radcliffe’s talents for romance, and honoured Mr. Pratt’s ‘‘ Emma Corbett ” with particular praise. In Church politics, although the Doctor took no active part, he was, like his intimate friend Principal Robertson, a decided Moderate, and was zealous to adopt any means of improving the worship of the Church of Scotland, where such could be done This allusion, considering the share Dr. Blair had in bringing the worka of Ossian to light, is “Dr. Blair’s Lectures are to be published sometime in spring. extremely appropriate,
Volume 8 Page 178
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