Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. and produced respiration and articulation. He might have died, however, that same evening, had not other people taken more care of him than his barbarous relations did. “ About this time he gave strong proofs of an uncommon genius for drawing, by sketching men, horses, cattle, houses, etc., with chalk, charcoal, or pieces of burnt wood, for want of pencils and crayons. But under the government of his cousins, no propensity of this kind was either attended to or encouraged. And, though he himself wished rather to be a mason, the profession of his father and uncles, yet, by some fatality or other, it happened that he was bound apprentice to one George Heriot, a barber in Dalkeith, about the age of thirteen or little more. ‘I With this honest man he learned his business, and served six years, during which time, although he did every kind of drudgery work, he was perfectly happy in comparison of the state of tyranny under which he had so long groaned at Leith. When his time was out he Came to Edinburgh, where he wrought seven years as a journeyman with different masters, after which he began to think of doing business for himself; but not having the freedom of the city, he was obliged to purchase it from the Society of Surgeon-Barbers, of which corporation he accordingly became a member the 19th December 1771, upon paying about 340 sterling. “ This business he carried on with great success for several years, being employed by a number of the principal nobility and gentry in and about Edinburgh. Among other genteel customers, he was employed by the late William Nisbet, Esq. of Dirleton, who not only employed him in town, but also took him various jaunts through the country with him in his machine ; and at last became so fond of him, that for several years before he died, particularly the two last (1783 and 1784), he had him almost constantly with him, by night and by day. ‘I The leisure time he had on these occasions, while he lodged at Mr. Nisbet’s house, afforded him an opportunity, which he took care not to neglect, of gratifying the natural propensity of his genius, by improving himself in drawing; and Mr. Nisbet having approved of his exertions, and encouraged him in the pursuit, he executed at this time a great number of miniature paintingesome of which are still in the possession of the family of Dirleton, and the greater part in his own. “It should have been mentioned earlier in the order of chronology, that our hero married, so early as the twentieth year of his age, Miss Lilly Steven, who bore him ten children, all of whom died young except his eldest son William, who was named after Mr. Nisbet, and who seems to inherit his father’s talent for drawing. Mrs. Kay died in March 1785, and after living upwards of two years a widower, our hero married his present wife, Miss Margaret Scott, with whom he now lives very happily. “Mr. Nisbet of Dirleton, previous to his death, sensible that, by occupying so much of Mr. Kay’s time, he could not but hurt his business, although he sent money regularly to Mrs. Ray, had often promised to make him amends by settling
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