Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 65 No. XXIX. ALEXANDER CARLYLE, D.D., INVERESK. THIS Print gives a very striking likeness of one of the chief leaders of the Court party in our Church judicatures. From his repeated exertions in favour of the law of patronage, and frequently styling the popular party “ Fanatics,” Kay has given him the curious title at the bottom of the Print. Dr. Carlyle (born January 26, 1722 ; died August 25, 1805) is memorable as a member-though an inactive one-of the brilliant fraternity of literary men who attractedattentionin Scotland during the latter half of the eighteenth century. His father was the minister of Prestonpans. He received his education at the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Leyden. While he attended these schools of learning, his elegant and manly accomplishments gained him admission into the most polished circles, at the same time that the superiority of his understanding and the refinement of his taste introduced him to the particular notice of men of science and literature. At the breaking out of the insurrection of 1745, being only twenty-three years of age, he thought proper to enrol1 himself in a body of volunteers, which was raised at Edinburgh to defend the city. This corps was dissolved on the approach of the Highland army, when he retired to his father’s house at Prestonpans, where the tide of war soon followed him. Sir John Cope having pitched his camp in the immediate neighbourhood of Prestonpans, the Highlanders attacked him early on the morning of the 21st of September, and soon gained a decisive victory; Carlyle was awoke by an account that the armies were engaged, when, in order to have a view of the action, he hurried to the top of the village-steeple, where he arrived only in time to see the regular soldiers flying in all directions to escape the broadswords of the Highlanders. Having gone through the usual exercises prescribed by the Church of Scotland, he was presented, in 1748, to the living of Inveresk, near Edinburgh, which he retained for the long period of fifty-seven years. His talents as P preacher were of the highest order, and contributed much to int.roduce into the Scottish pulpit an elegance of manner and delicacy of taste, to which this part of the United Kingdom had been formerly a stranger, but of which it has since afforded some brilliant examples. In the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Dr. Carlyle acted on the moderate side, and, next to Dr, Robertson, was one of the most instrumental members of that party in reducing the government of the Church to the tranquillity which it experienced almost down to our own time. It was owing chiefly to his active exertions, that the clergy of the Church of Scotland, in consideration of their moderate incomes, and of their living in official houses, were exempted from the severe pressure of . K
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