Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


278 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith named themselves the ? Friends of the People,? were alarming the authorities by threatening to hold a national cqnvention in Edinburgh, and to seize the Castle, the seamen in Leith seemed disposed to complicate affairs by absolutely refusing to go to sea unless they received a considerable advance of wages. A meeting was held for the purpose, if possible, of accommodating matters, and it was attended by the Provost, the Sheriff, the two Bailies of Leith, and a number of ship-masters and merchants belonging to that place; and, after a lengthened discussion, the following terms were offered to the banded seamen of Leith, who were then ? on strike : ?- I. The voyage to London, instead of three guineas as hitherto, to beA4 15s. in full of wages, loading or unloading. 11. The voyage to Hull &3 in full. 111. To Newcastle 10s. in full. IV. All other runs to be in proportion to the above. V, The monthly wages to beAz, instead of 30s. ; the seamen to pay Greenwich money,.and be at liberty to pay poor?s money to the Trinity Hospital at option; but if omitting to pay, to derive no benefit from the funds of that establishment. . VI. The wives at home to get 10s. monthly out of their husband?s wages. VII. The latter to continue until the vessels are discharged by the crews, and to be in full of all demands. These arrangements, having met with the warm approbation of the merchants and shipmasters of Leith, were presented to the seamen for acceptance, and they were required and enjoined ? immediately to return to their duty, and behave in the most peaceable manner, with certification that ;f, after this date, they should be found assembling in any tumultuous manner, or stop or impede any person whatever in the execution of his duty, they would be prosecuted and punished in terms of law.? The proffered terms proved agreeable to the seamen, who at once returned to their duties, leaving the magistrates free to deal with the ? Friends of the People,? many of whom were arrested, and tried before the Court of Justiciary. In 1805 five vessels sailed for the whale fishery, the largest number that had ever sailed from Leith in one year. In 1816 there arrived in the port two vessels, each having a rather remarkable freight. They were entirely laden with broken musket-barrels, locks, sword-blades, and other warlike relics of the memorable retreat from Moscow, all of which were sent to the iron-works at Cramond, there to be turned into ploughshares, harrows, spades, and other implements for the tillage of the earth. In the same year the Scots Magazim records the pursuit of six smuggling luggers by one of the king?s ships in the Roads, adding, ?? one of these luggers is armed with sixteen guns, and is com. manded by an authorised British subject, who has expressed his determination not to be taken, and to a revenue cutter he would be found a dangerous enemy, though he would not stand long against a king?s ship.? In the year 1820 the Edinburgh or Leith Seaman?s Friendly Society was instituted. The Ship masters? Widows? Fund had been established fifteen years before. In 1849 the tonnage of the growing port of Leith increased to 22,499. The tonnage dues on vessels, and. shore dues, outwards and inwards,amounted toA24,566 6s. I Id. The aggregate revenue accruing to the docks was Lzg,209 10s. IIBd, while the Custom House returns for duties levied in the port was A566,312. In 1881 we find the number and tonnage of vessels arriving and sailing from Leith to stand thus :- Sailing vessels arriving, 1,705, tonnage 262,871 ; departing, 1,702, tonnage 259,143. Steam vessels arriving, 2,695, tonnage 711,282 ; departing, 2,695, tonnage 712,056. The chief articles of export are coal and iron, and the appliances for placing these on board ship are of the most approved kind. In 1881 there were 127,207 tons of pig-iron shipped. The chief imports are grain and flour; thus, 1,135,127 quarters of grain and 238,313 bags of flour were landed at Leith, and the importation of guano, wood, flax, and hemp was very considerable, according to the Scotsman for that year. Therevenue of the port in 1881 was &37,491. In 1880 the company owning the Arrow Line put on a number of steamers direct between Leith . and New York ; and the venture has been so successful that now there is regular communication between the former place and America every fortnight. By the prosperity that has come with the new docks, which we shall presently describe, Leith can now boast of a population of 58,000 souls, being an increase on the last decade of 13,000. We have shown how, from small beginnings and under many depressing influences, the shipping and the tonnage of Leith has steadily increased, till the traffic has become great indeed. Now steam vessels, either from Leith or Granton, ply to Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Bremerhaven, Copenhagen, Dantzig, Dunkirk, Ghent, regularly ; to London, four times weekly ;
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