Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Leith] CAPTAIN PALLISER?S CONTUMACY. 277 to-morrow ; the sailors belonging to the said ships are to repair on board, under penalty of loss of wages and imprisonment as deserters. Thir presents to be published by tuck of drumme through Leith, that none may pretend ignorance. (? WALTER SCOTTE, B.? In 1752 the vessels of Leith amounted to sixtyeight, with a tonnage of 6,935; and two years subsequently we find an attempt upon the part of a captain in the royal navy there to defy the Scottish Court of Admiralty in the roads and harbour. Captain (aflerwards Sir Hugh) Palliser, when captain of H.M.S. Seahorse, in consequence of a petition presented to the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, 20th March, 1754, by Thomas ROSS, master, and Murdoch Campbell, owner of the Scottish ship CumberZand, of Thurso, was served with a notice to deliver up James Cormick, apprentice to the former, whom he had taken on board as a seaman. Accordingly, by order of the judge, the macers of court, messengers-at-arms, and other officials, repaired on board the Seahorse, at the anchorage in Leith, to bring off James Cormick; ?and the said Captain Hugh Palliser, and the other officers and sailors on board the said shipof-war Seahorre,? ran the warrant, ?are hereby ordered to be assisting? in putting it into execution, at their highest peril. (? All others, shipmasters, sailors, and others his Majesty?s .subjects,? were ordered to assist also, at their utmost peril. James Lindsay, Admiralty macer, served this notice upon Captain Palliser, who foolishly and haughtily replied that he was subject to the laws of England only, and would not send Cormick ashore. (? Upon which,? as the execution given into court bears, ?( I (James Lindsay) declared he had contemned the law, was guilty of a deforcement, and that he should be liable accordingly, having my blazon on my breast, and broke my wand of peace.?? On this, a warrant was issued to apprehend the commander of the Seahorse, and commit him to the next sure prison (i.e. the Tolbooth of Leith), but the captain having gone to Edinburgh, on the 26th of March he was seized and placed in the Heart of Midlothian, and brought before the High Court of Admiralt), next day. ? There he denied that its jurisdiction extended over a king?s ship, or over himself personally, or any man in the Seahorse, especially an enlisted sailor ; and maintained that the court, by attempting to do so, assumed a right competent to the Lords of the Admiralty alone ; ?( and by your imprisoning me,? he added, (( for not delivering up one of the king?s sailors, you have suspended my commission from the Lord High Admiral, and disabled me from executing the orders with which I am charged as commander of one of the king?s ships.? This only led to the re-commitment of the contumacious captain, till he (?found caution to obtemper (sic) the Judge Admiral?s warrant, in case it should be found by the Lords that he ought to do so.? He was imprisoned for six weeks, until the apprentice was put on shore. On this matter, Lord Hardwicke, who was then Lord Chancellor, remarked that the Scottiah Admiralty judge was a bold one, ?but that what he had done was right.? Captain Palliser, on his return to England, threatened to make the frauds on the revenue a matter for Parliamentary investigation, if not attended to, And the ministry then enftrced the duties upon claret, which, before this time, had been drunk commonly even by Scottish artisans. This officer afterwards behaved with great bravery at Newfoundland, in 1764 ; and on attaining the rank of Admiral of the White, was created a baronet, and died governor of Greenwich Hospital in 1796. In 1763 the shore dues at Leith had increased to A580. The Scots? Magazine for December, 1769, states that, ?take one year with another, about 1,700 vessels are cleared out and in yearly at Leith. Some days ago an acute merchant took a serious view of the shipping in the harbour of Leith, and reckoned upon a calculation that there would be between 30,000 and 35,000 tonnage at one and the same time mooring there.? This seems barely probable. In 17 7 I we meet with an indication of free trade, when the Court of Session, upon the application of the merchants of Edinburgh, ordered the port of Leith, and all other Scottish ports, to be open for the free importation of grain of all kinds. Arnot states that in the year ending January sth, 1778, there were, in Leith, 52 foreign ships, 6,800 tons, and 428 men ; 44 coasting and fishing ships, 3,346 tons, and 281 men. Five years sub. sequently, the shore dues were f;4,ooo; but in that year there was only one vessel trading with St. Petersburg. She made but one voyage yearly, and never carried tallow if any other freight could be obtained Now the sailing vessels make three voyages to the same port annually. In 1791 there was a proposal to form a jointstock company, to cut a canal from Leith to the middle ward of Lanarkshire. The tonnage in 1792 had increased to 18,468. In the same year, when those Radicals who
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