Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


. sterling. The largest ship was only 150 tons, and the highest valued was 8,000 pounds Scots, or A666 13s. 4d. sterling. In the list of masters? names appear Brown, Barr, and Bartain (the old historic Barton), names, says Robertson, prominent in the maritime records of Leith, doubtless descendants of the respective families. In 1692 the shore dues were only A466 13s. 4d. Scots, equivalent to A38 17s. gid. of the money of the present day. LEITH ROADS, 1824. (Aftera DruwiBg by/. Gul&?tCtry.) times,? says h o t , ?we mustreflect that the prices paid formerly were simply the rates at which commodities could be furnished, almost without any duty to Government; whereas now, in many instances, the taxes levied by Government exceed the value of the articles upon which they are im posed.? Tea was imported about the end of the seventeenth century, and there is still preserved a receipt from the East India Company to an Edin- Yet generally the connection of Scotland as regards trade was far from inconsiderable at that period with Denmark, the Baltic, Holland, and France. Her ships frequently made voyages from Leith to Tangiers and other ports on the Mediterranean ; and from Leith were exported wool, woollen-cloth, druggets, and stuffs of all kinds, and, to a large extent, both linen and corn. The imports to Leith were linen and fine woollen manufactures, wood in the form of logs and staves, wines of various kinds, and small quantities of sugar and miscellaneous articles of every-day use, from Rotterdam and Amsterdam. ?? In comparing the prices of a gallon of wine or ale, a pound of candles, or a pair of shoes in ancient and modem burgh merchant for a chest of Bohea at 15s. per pound, which came to the value of A225 15s. In 1705 green tea was 16s. per pound, and Bohea had risen to 30s. In 1740 the shipping of Leith amounted to fortyseven sail, with a total of 2,628 tonnage. The names of these vessels were quaint-the Charming Befty, Pair Susanna, and .Ha@y Janet, may be given as samples. In the following year, Walter Scott, Bailie of Leith, issued a proclamation on the 8th August to this effect :- ?Whereas the separate commanders of the five East India ships, lying in the Roads of Leith, have signified that the said ships are to sail early
Volume 6 Page 276
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