Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


264 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith. teers and the Royal Midlothian Artillery, with two field-pieces ; the Royal Highland Volunteers and the Royal Leith Volunteers, all with their hair powdered and greased, their cross-belts, old ? brownbesses,? and quaint coats with deep cuffs and short squarecut skirts, white breeches, and long black gaiters. ? Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, commanded the whole, which he formed first in a hollow square of battalions on the Links, and, by the hands ?of Mrs. Colonel Murray,? their colours were presented to the Highland Volunteers, aiter they had been (? consecrated? by the chaplain of the corps-the Rev. Joseph Robertson Macgregor, the eccentric minister of the Gaelic Chapel. presentation of colours to the Royal Highland Regiment of Edinburgh Volunteers, who wore black feather bonnets, with grey breeches and Hessian boots. On that occasion there paraded in St Andrew Square, at twelve o?clock noon, the Royal Edinburgh Volunteer Light Dragoons (of whom, no doubt, Scott would make one on his black charger) ; the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, and the Volunteer Artillery, with two field-pieces ; the first battalion of the Second Regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunevery hovel displayed the verdant badges of loyalty as the procession passed. The elegant dress and appearance of the several corps formed a spectacle truly delightful ; but the sentiment which neither mere novelty nor military parade, which all the pomp, pride, and circumstance, could never inspire, seemed to warm the breast and animate the countenance of every spectator.? What this ?? sentiment? was the editor omits to tell us; but, unfortunately for such spectacles in those days, the great cocked hats then worn by most of the troops were apt :to be knocked off when the command ?( Shoulder arms ! ? was given, and the general picking-up thereof only added to the hilarity of the spectators. The ground was kept by the Lankshire Light Cavalry while the troops were put through the then famous ?? Eighteen Manoeuvres,? published in 1788 by Sir David Dundas, after he witnessed the great review at Potsdam, and which was long a standard work for the infantry of the British army. ? The crowd of spectators,? says the Ed&durgh flerald, ?attracted by the novelty and interest of the scene, was great beyond example. The city was almost literally unpeopled. Every house and
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