Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


216 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith chapel of St. Jamey at Newhaven, belonged to the preceptory at Leith; and also the little chapel be payit as follows-namely, best of the third of the Preceptone of Sanct Antonis LIO, and the passed in 1587 the preceptory of St. Anthony and the chapel of St. James at Newhaven were, with other benefices, annexed to the Crown. Maitland observes that the vestry of Leith, after the Reformation, ? having purchased the lands and properties of divers religious houses there and in Newhaven, King James VI. granted and confirmed the same by charter in 1614 for the use of the poor. The Session elected the Baron Bailie of St. Anthony, who exercised jurisdiction in Leith and Newhaven, holding his court at uil! and giving sentence without appeal, thus :- ??At Leith, 9th February, 1683.? On Monday last St. Anthonis Court was holden in this place, and is to be keepit att Newheavin at ye first conveniencie.? The last Baron Bailie was Thomas THE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF MARIA DE LORRAINE, 1560.
Volume 6 Page 216
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