Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


210 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith each trade, all deacons and treasurers, and constituting, or deemed to be; a separate corporation. But the body, though dating at least from 1594, was voted by several of the trades corporations in 1832 as useless, and since then its existence has been very questionable. Though Leith is not in a strict sense a manufacturing town or the seat of a staple produce, it possesses many productive establishments, as ship building and sail-cloth manufactories. Nong the shore of South Leith are several vast conical chimneys, manufactories of glass, but chiefly in the department of common ale and wine bottles ; this trade is supposed to have been introduced by English settlers during the time of Cromwell. In the centre of the town there was commenced in 1830 a corn-mill propelled by steam, and of gigantic dimensions, as its huge bulk towered against the sky and above the surface of the little undulating sea of roofs around it. Leith possesses warehouses of great extent, which are the seats of extensive tratic with large districts of Scotland, for the transmission thither of wines and foreigti and British spirits ; and there are also other manufacturing establishments besides those named, for the making of cordage, for brewing, distilling, and rectifying spirits, refining sugar, preserving tinned meats, soap and candle manufactones, with several extensive cooperages, ironfoundries, flour mills, tanneries, and saw-mills. But those who see Leith now, even with all its extended docks and piers, can have no conception of the scene presented by the port during the protracted war with France and Spain, when .an admiral?s flagship lay in the Roads, with a guardship and squadron. Daily scores of men-of-war boats, manned by seamen or marines, were amving and departing ; prisoners of war in all manner of uniforms, and often in rags, were being landed or embarked ; press-gangs had their tenders moored by the Shore. Infantry barracks, now granaries, were on the North Quay ; stores, cannon, and provisions encumbered it on every hand ; while almost daily salutes were being fired froin ship and battery in honour of victories by land or sea; recruiting parties beat up, with swords drawn and ribbons streaming ; seamen crowded every tavern, their pockets flush with Spanish dollars, and bank-notes tied round their hats ; men-of-war, privateers, trans ports, filled the Firth, and merchantmen mustered in hundreds to await the convoy ere they put to sea ; there, too, were the gallant old Leith and London smacks, armed with carronadcs, that fought their own way, with the old Scottish flag at their mast-heads, and many a time and oft, with signal valour, beat off French, Spanish, and. Dutch privateers. Such was Leith at the close of the last century and in the early years of the present one, until the battle of Waterloo. In the first years of the last century there were occasional packet-ships between Leith and London. In 1720 the Bon Accord, Captain Buchanan, is advertised to sail to London with passengers on 30th June, and to ? k e q the day, goods or no goods; ? and a similar notice appears in I 7 2 a concerning the ? Unity packet-boat of Leith.? The master to be spoken to in the high Coffee House. (Sf. Jams?s fivening Post.) In 1743 one of these packets, after a twenty days? voyage, arrived only at Holy Island, through stress of weather. Previous to the introduction of the smacks, which were large and beautiful cutters, carrying an enormous spread of fore and aft canvas, the passenger and other trade between Leith and London was carried on by means of clumsy bluff-bowed brigs, ranging from 160 to 200 tons burden, and having such very imperfect cabin accommodation that many persons preferred to make the trip by the ships which camed salmon between Berwick and the Thames. In those days the traders were advertised for twelve or fourteen days before they intended to sail, and interim arrangements were always made with the captain at ? Forrest?s Coffee House,? or on ? The Scots? Walk,? in London, as the case might be, ?wheo civil usage? was promised, and the number of guns carried by the vessel generally stated. The following is an advertisement from the Edihburgh ChronicZe, June nnd, I759 :-- ?? For LONDON, the ship Reward, Old England built, William Marshal, master, now lying at the Birth at Bames Nook, Leith Harbour, taking in goods, and will sail with the first convoy. ?The said master to be spoken with at the ? Caledonia? or ? Forrest?s Coffee House,? Edinburgh, or at his house in the Broad Wynd, Leith. ? N.B.-The ship is an exceeding fast sailer, has good accommodztion for passengers, and good usage may be depended OH.? In 1777 the smack Edinburgh was advertised in the Mercury to sail at a fixed date, that she has ? neat accommodation for passengers,? also that good usage may be relied on. The Success, lying at the New Quay, is also advertised to sail by the canal for Glasgow, weather permitting. The passenger traffic increased to such an extent that in 1791 the Leith and Berwick Shipping Company established their head-quarters in Leith, the
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