3 44 OLD AND NEW? EDINBURGH. [Gilmerton.
succeeding to the estate of Inverleith. Sir Francis,
who entailed the Edinburgh estate of Gilmerton,
died and March, I 747, and Sir James and Sir David
succeeded in succession to Gilmerton, and died in
1795, at a place of the same name in Haddingtonshire.
Sir Francis was Governor of the British
Linen Company and Writer to the Privy Seal of
Scotland. By his wife, Harriet Cockburn of Langton,
he had five sons-Francis, his successor ;
Archibald Kinloch Gordon, a major in the army,
lunatic, and the title devolved upon his elder
brother, who became Sir Francis, sixth baronet.
The old Place of Gilmerton has long since been
deserted by the family, which took up their residence
at the house of the sa?me name in East
A mile south of the old mansion iS Gilmerton
Grange, which had of old the name of Burndale, or
Burntdale, from a tragic occurrence, which suggested
to Scott his fine ballad of ?The Gray
who assumed that name on succeeding to an estate;
David, who served under Cornwallis in the
American War, in the 80th Regiment or Royal
Edinburgh Volunteers; Alexander, Collector of Customs
at Prestonpans; and John, whodied unmarried.
Sir Francis survived his father by only a short
time, as the ? Scottish Register ?I for the year I 796
records that he was killed by a pistol-shot in
his forty-eighth year at Gilmerton, ?fired by his
brother, Major Archibald Kinloch Gordon, who
was brought under a strong guard to the Tolbooth
of Edinburgh to take his trial.?
This unfortunate man, who had been captain in
the 65th in 1774, and major in the old 90th Regiment
in 1779, was eventually proved to be a
Brother.? The tradition, as related to him by John
Clerk of Eldin, author of the ?Essay on Naval
Tactics,? was as follows :
When Gilmerton belonged to a baron named
Heron, he had one daughter, eminent for her
beauty. ?? This young lady was seduced,? says Sir
Walter, ? by the Abbot of Newbattle, a richly endowed
abbey upon the banks of the South Esk,
now a seat of the Marquis of Lothian. Heron
came to the knowledge of this circumstance, and
learned also that the lovers carried on their intercourse
by the connivance of the lady?s nurse, who
lived at this house of Gilmerton Grange, or Burndale.
He formed a resolution of bloody vengeance,
undeterred by the supposed sanctity of the clerical