Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


The Water of Leith.] THE?HOLE I? THE WA?. 77 appointed Limner for Scutland. He always resided in the old house at St. Bernard?s. The last pictures on which he was engaged were two portraits of Sir Walter Scott, one for himself and the other for Lord Montague. He died, after a short illness, from a general decay of the system, on the 8th of July, 1823, at St. Bernard?s, little more than a stone?s throw from where he was born. His loss, said Sir Thomas Lawrence, had left a blank in the Royal Academy, as well as Scotland, which could not be filled up, By his wife, who :survived him ten years, he had two sons : Peter, who died in his nineteenth year ; and Henry, who, with his wife and family, lived under the same roof with his father, and to whose children the latter ,of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, of the Imperial Academy of Florence, of the Royal Academy of London, and other Societies. The number of -portraits he painted is immense, and he was still hale and vigorous, spending his time between his studio, his gardens, and the pleasures of domestic 3ociety, when George IV. came to Edinburgh in the year 1822, and knighted him at Hopetoun House. The sword used by the king was that of Sir Alexander Hope. In the following May he was century it was occupied by Count Leslie. Mrs Ann Inglis, Sir Henry Raeburn?s stepdaughter, conthued to occupy the house, together with her sons. In this house was born, it is said, Admiral Deans Dundas, commander of the British fleet in the Black Sea during the Crimean war. Latterly it was the residence of working people, every room being occupied by a separate family. In Dean Street there long stood a little cottage known as the Hole r? the Wu?, a great resort of school-boys for apples, pears, and gooseberries, retailed there by old ?? Lucky Hazlewood,? who lived to be ninety years of age. It was overshadowed by birch-trees of great size and beauty. left the bulk of his fortune, consisting of groundrents on his property at St. Bernard?s, which, in his later years, had occupied much of his leisure time by planning it out in streets and villas. Old Deanhaugh House, which was pulled down in 1880, to make room for the extension of Leslie Place, was the most venerable mansion in the locality, standing back a little way from the Water of Leith j a short avenue branching off from that of i St. Bernard?s led to it. About the middle of this
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