Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


The Water of Leith.] WALTER ROSS, W.S. 73 now at Abbotsford, where Sir Walter Scott took them in 1824. This tower was divided into two apartments, an upper and a lower ; the entrance to the former was by an outside stair, and was used as a summer-house. On the roof was a wellpainted subject from the heathen mythology, and the whole details of the apartment were very handsome. On the 11th of March, 1789, Mr. ROSS, who was Registrar of Distillery Licences in Scotland, of St. Bernard?s. The bower is on the spot where two lovers were killed by the falling of a sand-bank upon them.? For several years after his death the upper part of the tower was occupied by the person who acted as night-watchman in this quarter, while the lower was used as a stable, In 1818, with reference to future building operations, the remains of Mr. Ross were taken up, and re-interred in the West Church burying-ground. The extension of THE WATER OF LEITH, 1825. (A/%-? Edank.) and was a man distinguished for talent, humour, and suavity of manner, dropped down in a fit, and suddenly expired. He would seem to have had some prevision of such a fate, as by his particular request his body was kept eight days, and was interred near his tower with the coffin-lid open. ?? Yesterday, at one o?clock,?? says the Edinburgh Advertiser for March zoth, 1789, ? the remains of the late Mr. Walter Ross were, agreeable to his own desire, interred in a bower laid out by himself for that purpose, and encircled with myrtle, near the beautiful and romantic tower which he had been at so much trouble and expense in getting erected, on the most elevated part of his grounds 106 Anne Street, in 1825, caused the removal of his. tower to be necessary. It was accordingly demolished, and most of the sculptures were carted away as rubbish. In the ?? Traditions of Edinburgh,? we are told that after he had finished his pleasure-grounds, Mr. Ross was much enraged by nightly trespassers, and advertised spring-guns and man-traps without avail. At last he conceived the idea of procuring a human leg from the Royal Infirmary, and dressing it up with a stocking, shoe, and .buckle, sent it through the town, borne aloft by the crier, proclaiming that ? it had been found last night in Mr. Walter Ross?s policy at Stockbridge, and offering to restore it to the disconsolate owner.??
Volume 5 Page 73
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