Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


Cnigmillar.] CRAIGMILLAR CASTLE. 61 when descending Craigmillar Hill, a queen?s soldier, who had a loose match in his hand, exploded the powder-barrels, and mortally injured Captain Melville, the kinsman of Sir William Kirkaldy. The latter interred him with military honours in a vault of Edinburgh Castle, where, doubtless, his remains still rest In 1589 there was granted a charter under the great seal to John Ross of the lands of Limpitstoun, which was witnessed in Craigmillar by the Arch- %ishop of St. Andrews, John Lord Hamilton, the Commendator of Arbroath, Maitland of Thirlstane, Walter, Prior of Blantyre, and others. Calderwood relates, that in January, 1590, when Jaines VI. was sitting in the Tolbooth, hearing to the gibbet by forty and fifty at a time. in the sight of Edinburgh and Leith. In 1573 the Loyalists, says Crawford of Drumsoy, sent a strong body of horse and foot, in hope to capture the Regent Morton at Dalkeith in the aight; but found him ready to receive them on Sheriff-hall Muir, from whence he drove them in as far as the Burghmuir, and only lost the Laird of Kirkmichael and some fifty men. Few were killed, recent rains having wetted the gun-matches ; but its ofice houses and grass,? it was advertised to be let in the Edinburgh Cowant for 11th March, 1761. In that year Sir Alexander Gilmour of Craigmillar was elected M.P. for the county. We cannot dismiss the subject of Craigmillar without a brief glance at some of those who occupied it Sir Simon Preston, who obtained it from John de Capella, traced his descent up to Leolph de Preston, who lived in the reign of William the Lion; and, according to Douglas, his father was Sir John Preston, who was taken at the battle of Durham in 1346, and remained in the Tower of London until ransomed. In 1434 Sir Henry Preston of Craigmillar (whose the case of the Laird of Criigmillar, who was sueing for a divorce against his wife, the Earl of Bothwell forcibly carried off one of the most important witnesses to his Castle of Crichton, threatening him with the gallows, ?&as if there had been no king in Israel.? It was not until after the beginning of the present century that the castle was permitted to fall into ruin and decay, which it did rapidly. It was in perfect preservation, no doubt, when, with ?? all PEFFER MILL-HOUSE.
Volume 5 Page 61
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