Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


and made the ornate edifice we find it now, with ?oriel windows and clustering turrets. He was author of ?The Wolf of Badenoch,? ?The History of the Morayshire Floods,? a ?Journal of the Queen?s Visit to Scotland in 1842,? &c He was the lineal .representative of the Lauders of Lauder Tower and the Bass, and of the Dicks of Braid and Grange, and died in 1848. Near the Grange House is the spacious and ornamental cemetery of the same name, bordered on the east by a narrow path, once lined by dense hedge-rows, which led from the Grange House to the Meadows, and was long known as the Lovers? Loan. This celebrated burying-ground contains the ashes of Drs. Chalmers,Lee,and Guthne; Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Sir Hope ? Grant of Kilgraston, the well-known Indian general and cavalry officer ; Hugh Miller, Scotland?s most eminent geologist ; the second Lord Dunfermline, and a host of other distinguished Scotsmen. CHAPTER V. THE DISTRICT OF NEWINGTON. The Causewayside-Summerhall-Clerk Street Chapel and other Churches-Literary Institute-Mayfield Loan-Old Houses-Free Church- The Powbum-Female Blind Asylum-Chapel of St. John the Baptist-Dominican Convent at the Sciennes-Sciennes Hill House-Scott and Burns meet-New Trades Maiden Hospital-Hospital for Incurables-Prestonfield House-The Hamiltons and Dick-Cunninghams- Cemetery at Echo Bank-The Lands of Camemn-Craigmillar-Dexription of the Castle-James V., Queen Mary, and Darnley, resident there-Queen Mary?s Tree-The Prestons and Gilmours-Peffer Mill House. In the Grange Road is the Chalmers Memorial Free Church, built in 1866, after designs by Patrick Wilson at a cost of .&6,000. It is a cruciform edifice, in the geometric Gothic style. In Kilgraston goad is the Robertson Memorial Established Church, built in 187 I, after designs by Robert Morham, at a cost of more than L6,ooo. It is also a handsome cruciform edifice in the Gothic style, with a spire 156 feet high. In every direction around these spots spread miles of handsome villas in every style of architecture, with plate glass oriels, and ornate railings, surrounded by clustering trees, extensive gardens , and lawns, beautiful shrubberies - in summer, rich with fruit and lovely flowers-the long lines of road intersected by tramway rails and crowded by omnibuses. Such is now the Burghmuir of James 111.-the Drumsheugh Forest of David I. and of remoter , times. WHEN the population of Edinburgh,? says Sir Walter Scott, ?appeared first disposed to burst from the walls within which it had been so long confined, it seemed natural to suppose that the tide would have extended to the south side of Edinbugh, and that the New Town would have occupied the extensive plain on the south side of the College.? The natural advantage pointed out so early by Sir Walter has been eventually embraced, and the results are the populous suburban districts we have been describing, covered with streets and villas, and Newington, which now extends from the Sciennes and Preston Street nearly to the hill crowned by the ancient castle of Craigmillar. In the Valuation Roll for 1814 the district is described as the ?Lands of Newington, part of the Old and New Burrowmuir.? The year 1800 saw the whole locality open and arable fields, save where stood the old houses of - Mayfield at the Mayfield Loan, a few cottages at Echo Bank, and others at the Powbum. In those days the London mails proceeded from the town by the East Cross Causeway; but as time went on, Newington House was erected, then a villa or two : among the latter, one still extant neqr the corner of West Preston Street, was the residence of William Blackwood the publisher, and founder of the firm and magazine. In the Causewayside, which leads direct from the Sciennes to the Powburn, were many old and massive mansions (the residences of wealthy citizens), that stood back from the roadway, within ? double gates and avenues of trees. Some of these edifices yet remain, but they are of no note, and are now the abodes of the poor. Broadstairs House, in the Causewayside, a massive, picturesque building, demolished to make room for Mr. T. C. Jack?s printing and publishing establishment, was built by the doctor of James IV. or V., and remained in possession of the family till the end of last century- One half of the edifice was known as Broadstairs House, and the other half as Wormwood Hall. Mr. Jack bought the
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