Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


Kirk-of- Field.] THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST DARNLEY. 5 IZ. our lady kirk of field 13. ye kirk of field kirk y i ' I+ ye potterraw .. .. .. The Pot:er Row. 15. ye caich ill gait . . . . The Catchpole Gate. . . Our Lady Kirk-of-Field. . . The Kirk-of-Field kirk y d . EXPLANATION OF THE ORIGINAL I I. ye blak freiris . . . . .. The Black Friars. a. ye priestis chameris . . . . The priest's chambers. 3. ye well .. .. . . .. The well. 4. ye mylk row . . .. . . The Milk Row. 5. our lady stapis . . Our Lady's steos. 6. ye Dukis gaitt ofchattiiieraur 7. ye lu+ att ye king was keipit 8. ye place of ye murthqr . . . . The lace of the murder. 9. ye provost place .. The Duke of Chatelherault's gate. The lodging at which the King eftir his murthur . . . , was kept after his murder, . . .. The Frovast's place.
Volume 5 Page 5
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