lution, and brought him to the ground by a mortal
wound. As usual on such occasions, Consternation
and distress reigned supreme j the passionate
Macrae was sincerely afflicted, and it was with
difficulty that Sir William Maxwell could prevail
A very unfavourable view was taken of Macrae?s
conduct. It was alleged that for some time before
the duel he was wont to practise at a barber?s block
in the garden at Marionville, and that he had
pistols of a peculiar and very deadly character;
upon him to quit the field. Sir George lingered
for two days, when he expired.
Macrae?s days of pleasure at Marionville were
ended for ever. He fled to France, and for a
time took up his residence at the H8tel de la
Dauphine, in Pans. The event created a great
sensation in Edinburgh society. Macrae left behind
him a son and daughter. As Sir George Ramsay
was childless, the baronetcy went to his brother
both of which were vulgar rumours, as he was
without such weapons, and those used in the duel
were a clumsy old brass-mounted pair that belonged
to Captain Amory, who bore testimony that Macrae,
as they journeyed together to the land of exile,
never ceased to bewail the fate of his friend, and
that he took so obstinate a view of the valet?s
Macrae and Amory reached France ; a summons
was issued for the trial of the former, but as he