Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


warrist0u1 WARRISTON CEMETERY. I01 with an extraordinary memory, He went into very high notiom of lengthened devotions, in which he continued many hours a day ; he would often pray in his family two hours at a time, and had an inexhaustible copiousness that way. What thought soever struck his fancy during these effusions, he looked on it as an answer of prayer, and was wholly determined by it. He looked on the Covenant as the sitting of Christ on his throne, and .was so out of measure zealous in it. He had no The middle of the last century saw Warriston possessed by a family named Grainger, and afterwards by another named Mure ; and in 1814 there died in Warriston House the Hon. W. F. Mackenzie, the only son of Francis Lord Seaforth, and representative in Parliament for the county of Ross; and in the same house there died, on the 28th ot July, 1838, Helen D?Arcy Cranstoun (a daughter of the Hon. George Cranstoun and the second wife of Professor Dugald Stewart), a lady WARRISTON CEMETERY. - regard to raising himself or his family, though he had - thirteen children, but Presbytery was to him more than all the world. He had a readiness and vehemence of speaking that made him very considerable in public assemblies; and he had a fruitful invention, : so that he was at all times furnished with expedients.? . Such is the Bishop?s picture of this eminent lawyer and Covenanter, but very crooked politician. Lord Warriston?s son, James Johnston, was appointed envoy to the Court of Brandenburg, but - as he was afterwards fortunate enough to be created by King William one of his principal secretaries . of state, he was nominated by a warrant from His Majesty ?? to sit as Lord Secretary in the Parliament who holds a very high place among the writers -of Scottish song, and was sister of Countess Purgstall, the subject of Captain Basil Hall?s ? Schloss Heinfeld? Eildon Street and Wamston Crescent, both running eastward off Inverleith Row, have been recently built on the estate of Warriston, and due eastward of the mansion-house lies the spacious and beautiful cemetery which appropriately takes its name from the locality. Wamston Cemetery, with a gentle slope to the sun and commanding a magnificent view of the city, is laid out with very considerable taste. It was opened in 1843, and has one approach by ~ which met in I 693.? I a bridge over the Leith from Canonmills, a sewnd
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