Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


90 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Bonnington. In April, 1747, the Countess of Hugh, third Earl of Marchmont (Anne Western of London), died in Redbraes House; and we may add that ?Lord Polwarth of Redbraes ? was one of the titles of Sir Patrick Hume when raised to the Scottish peerage as Earl of Marchmont. We afterwards find Sir Hew Crawford, Bart. of Jordanhill, resident proprietor at Redbraes. Here, in 1775, his eldest daughter Mary was married to General, Campbell of Boquhan (previously known as Fletcher of Saltoun), and here he would seem to have been still when another of his daughters found her way into the caricatures of Kay, a subject whichmade a great noise in its time as a local scandal. In the Abbey Hill .there then resided an ambitious little grocer named Mr. Alexander Thomson, locally known as ?Ruffles,? from the long loose appendages of lace he wore at his sleeves. With a view to his aggrandisement he hoped to connect himself with some aristocratic family, and cast his eyes on Miss Crawford, a lady rather fantastic in her dress and manners, but the daughter of a man of high and indomitable pride. She kept ? Ruffles ? at a proper distance, though he followed her like her shadow, and so they appeared in the same print of Kay. The lady did not seem to be always so fastidious, as she formed what was deemed then a terrible mbaZZiunce by marrying John Fortune, a surgeon, who went abroad. Fortune?s brother, Matthew, kept the Tontine tavern in Princes Street, and his father a famous old inn in the High Street, the resort of all the higher ranks in Scotland about the close of the last century, as has already been seen in an earlier chapter of this work. Her brother, Captain Crawford, threatened to cudgel Kay, who in turn caricatured hinz. Sir Hew Crawford?s family originally consisted of fifteen, most of whom died young. The baronetcy, which dated from 1701, is now supposed to be extinct. In their day the grounds of Redbraes were deemed so beautiful, that mullioned openings were made in the boundary wall to permit passers-by to peep in. In 1800 the Edinburgh papers announced proposals ?? for converting the beautiful villa of Redbraes into a Vauxhall, the entertainment to consist of a concert of vocal and instrumental music, to be conducted by Mr. Urbani-a band to play between the acts of the concert, at the entrance, &c. The gardens and grounds to be decorated with statues and transparencies ; and a pavilion to be erected to serve as a temporary retreat in case of rain, and boxes and other conveniences to be erected for serving cold collations.? This scheme was never carried out. Latterly Redbraes became a nursery garden. Below Redbraes lies Bonnington, a small and nearly absorbed village on the banks of the Water of Leith, which is there crossed by a narrow bridge. There are several mills and other works here, and in the vicinity an extensive distillery. The once arable estate of Hill-house Field, which adjoins it, is all now laid out in streets, and forms a suburb of North Leith. The river here attains some depth. We read that about April, 1652, dissent began to take new and hitherto little known forms. There were Antitrinitarians, Antinomians, Familists (a small sect who held that families alone were a proper congregation), Brownists, as well as Independents, Seekers, and so forth ; and where there were formerly no avowed Anabaptists, these abounded so much, that ? thrice weekly,? says Nicoll, in his Diary, ?namely, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, there were some dippit at Bonnington Mill, betwixt Leith and Edinburgh, both men and women of good rank. Some days there would be sundry hundred persons attending that action, and fifteen persons baptised in one day by the Anabap tists. Among the converts was Lady Craigie- Wallace, a lady in the west country.? In the middle of the last century there resided at his villa of Bonnyhaugh, in this quarter, Robert, called Bishop Keith, an eminent scholar and antiquary, the foster-brother of Robert Viscount Arbuthnot, and who came to Edinburgh in February, 1713, when he was invited by the small congregation of Scottish Episcopalians to become their pastor. His talents and learning had already attracted considerable attention, and procured him influence in that Church, of which he was a zealous supporter ; yet he was extremely liberal, gentle, and tolerant in his religious sentiments. In January, 1727, he was raised to the Episcopate, and entrusted with the care of Caithness, Orkney, and the Isles, and in I 733 was preferred to that of Fife. For more than twenty years after that time he continued to exercise the duties of his office, filling a high and dignified place in Edinburgh, while busy with those many historical works which have given him no common place in Scottish literature. It is now well known that, previous to the rising of 1745, he was in close correspondence with Prince Charles Edward, but chiefly on subjects relating to his depressed and suffering communion, and that the latter, ?as the supposed head of a supposed Church, gave? the con$ d?kZire necessary for the election of individuals to exercise the epis. copal office.?
Volume 5 Page 90
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