Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


278 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Lord Prowsta the city, Berwick, Roxburgh, and Stirling, met in Holyrood Abbey. After a gap of forty-eight years we find John Wigmer aZdermm in 1344. Thirteen years subsequently certain burgesses of Edinburgh and other burghs are found negotiating for the ransom of King David II., taken in battle by the English. In 1362 WilliamGuppeld was alderman, 9th April, and till 1369, in which year a council sat at Edinburgh, when the king granted a charter to the abbey of Melrose. In 1373 the dderman was Sir Adam Forrester, .said to be of Whitburn and Corstorphine, a man possessed of immense estates, for which he obtained no less than six charters under the great seal of Robert II., and was several times employed in -treaties and negotiations with the English, between In 1377 John of Quhitness first appears as Pmost, or Prepositus, on the 18th of May, and in the following year Adam Forrester was again in office. In 1381 John de Camera was provost, and in 1387 Andrew Yutson (or Yichtson), between whom, with ?Adam Forster, Lord of Nether Libberton,? the Burgh of Edinburgh, and John of -Stone, and John Skayer, masons, an indenture was made, 29th November, for the erection of five new -chapels in St. Giles?s, with pillars and vzulted roofs, -covered with stone, and lighted with windows. These additions were made subsequent to the burning of the city by the invaders under Richard of England two years before. In 1392 John of Dalrymple was provost, and *the names of several bailies alone appear in the Burgh Records (Appendix) till the time of Provost Alexander Napier, 3rd October, 1403, whom Douglas calls first Laird of Merchiston. Under him Symon de Schele was Dean of Guild and KeepeI .of the Kirk Work, when the first head guild was held after the feast of St Michael in the Tolbooth. Man of Fairnielee was provost 1410-1, and again in 1419, though George of Lauder was provost So lately as 1423 John of Levyntoun was styled alderman, with Richard Lamb and Robert of Bonkyl bailies, when the lease of the Canonmills was granted by Dean John of Leith, sometime Abbot of Holyrood, to ? the aldermen, baylyes, and dene of the gild,? 12th September, 1423. His successor was Thomas of Cranstoun, Preporitus, when the city granted an obligation to Henry VI. of England, for 50,000 merks English money, on account of the expenses of James I., while detained in England by the treasonable intrigues of his .uncle. William of Liberton, George of Lauder, 1 3 9 4 4 1404- hl 1413. and John of Levyntoun, appear as provosts successively in 1425, 1427, and 1428. In 1434 Sir Henry Preston of Craigmillar wag appointed provost; but no such name occurs in the Douglas peerage under that date. After John of Levyntoun, Sir Alexander Napier appears as provost after 1437, and the names of Adam Cant and Robert Niddry are among those of the magistrates and council. Then Thomas of Cranstoun was provost from 1438 till 1445, when Stephen Hunter succeeded him. With the interval of one year, during which Thomas Oliphant was provost, the office was held from 1454 to 1462 by Sir Alexander Napier of Merchiston, a man of considerable learning, whom James 11. made Comptroller ofScotland. In 1451 he had a safe-conduct from the King of England to visit Canterbury as a pilgrim, and by James 111. he was constituted Vice-Admiral. He was also ambassador to England in 1461 and 1462. In succession to Robert Mure of Polkellie, he was provost again in 1470, and until the election of James Creichton of Rothven, or Rowen, in 1477, when the important edict of James 111. concerning the market-places and the time of holding markets was issued. In 1481 the provost was Rilliarn Bertraham, who, in the following year, with ?the whole fellowship of merchants, burgesses, and community ? of? Edinburgh, bound themselves to repay to the King of England the dowry of his daughter, the Lady Cecil, in acknowledgment for which loyalty and generosity, James 111. granted the city its Golden Charter, with the banner of the Holy Ghost, locally known still as the Blue Blanket. In 1481 the provost was for the first time allowed an annual fee of A z o out of the common purse ; but, some such fee would seem to have been intended three years before. His successor was Sir John Murray of Touchadam, in 1482; and in the same year we find Patrick Baron of Spittlefield, under whose rt?gime the Hammermen were incorporated, and in 1484 John Napier of Merchiston, eldest son of Provost Alexander Napier. He was John Napier of Rusky, and third of Merchiston, whom James III., in a letter dated 1474, designates as OUY Zouift fandiar sqwiar, and he was one of the lords auditors in the Parliament of 1483. Two of his lineal heirs fell successively in battle at Flodden and Pinkie. The fourth provost in succession after him was Patrick Hepburn, Lord Hailes, 8th August. He was the first designated ?? My h r d Provost,? pre bably because he was a peer of the realm. He had
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Lord Promsts.] THE DOUGLASES AND HAMILTONS. 279 ?James of Creichtoun of Felde,? as a deputy provost under him ; and the first entry in the Records under that date is a statute that ? the commoun pyperis of the towne ? shall be properly feed, for the honour thereof, and that they get their food, day about, from all honest persons of substance, under a penalty of 9d. per day, ?? that is to ilk pyper iijd at least.? The fifth provost after this was Sir Thomas Tod, zznd August, 1491, and again in 1498, with Richard Lawson of the Highriggs, and Sir John Murray in the interval during 1492. From this date to 1513, with a little interval, Richard Lawson was again provost ; the office was held by Sir Alexander Lauder of Blythe, who -in the last named year was also Justice Depute. He fell in the battle.on the fatal 9th of September, 1513, and the apairs ofthe city, amid the consternation and grief that ensued, were managed by George of Tours, who with Robert Bruce, William Lockhart, William Adamson, and William Clerk, all bailies, had been, on the 19th of August, chosen by the provost and community to rule the city after his departure with the army for England. The aged Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus (better known as Archibald Bell-thecat)-whose two sons, George Master of Angus, and Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie, with more then zoo knights and gentlemen of his surname, found their tomb on Flodden Hill-was elected provost on the 30th of September, twenty-one days after the battle ; and at the same time his son, Gawain the Poet, provost of St. Giles?s, was ?( made burgess, gratis, for the Common benefit of the town.? It was he of whom Scott makes th?e grim old Earl say, with reference to the English knight?s act of forgery, ? Thanks to St. Bothan, son of mine, Save Gawain, ne?er could pen a line.? He was succeeded on the 24th July, 1514, by Alexander Lord Home, Great Chamberlain 01 Scotland in 1507, and baron of Dunglasand Greenlaw, under whom preparations for the defence of the city, in expectation of a counter-invasion, went on. An Act was passed for the furnishing ?01 artailyerie for the resisting of our auld innemies of Ingland;? a tax was laid upon all-even the widows of the fallen, so far as their substance permitted them to pay-and all persons having heidyaird dykes, ?were to build them up within fifteen days, under pain of six pounds to the Kirk-werk.? In August of the same year David Melville was provost, and the pestilence caused the division ol the city into four quarters, each under a bailie and quartermaster to attend to the health of the people. Except the interval, during which Sir Patrick Hamilton of Kincavil and Archibald Douglas were Provosts, Melville was in office till 15 17, when James Earl of Arran, Regent of Scotland, took it upon him, and was designated Lord Provost. In consequence of the influence it conferred, the office was at this time an object of ambition among the nobility. His enemies, the Douglases, taking advantage of his temporary absence from the city, procured the election of Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie, the uncle of the EarLof Angus, in his place ; and when Arran returned from the castle of Dalkeith, where the court was then held, he found the gates of Edinburgh shut against him. His followers attempted to force an entrance sword in hand, but were repulsed, and a number were killed and wounded on. both sides. Similar scenes of violence and bloodshed were of almost daily occurrence, and between the rival factions of Hamilton and Douglas the Lowlands were in a complete state of demoralisation ; and on the z 1st of February, 15 I 9, in consequence of the bitter feud and bloody broils between the houses of Douglas and Hamilton, he was ordered by the Regent, then absent, to vacate his office, as it was ordained that no person of either of those names was eligible as provost, till the ?Lord Governor?s home coming, and for a year.? Thus, in 1510, Robert Logan of Coitfield was. provost, and in October he was granted by the Council 100 merks of the common good, beside his ordinary fee, for the sustentation of four armed men, to carry halberds before him, ?because the warld is brukle and troublous.? The fourth provost after this was Robert Lord Maxwell, 18th August, 1524, who was made so by the Queen-mother, when she (? tuik the hail1 government of the realm and ruele of the king (James V.) upoun her.? This was evidently an invasion of the rights of the citizens ; yet on the same day the Lord Justice Clerk. appeared before the Council, and declared ? that it was the mind and will ? of the king, then in his minority, that Mr. Francis Bothwell, provost, ?? cedit and left his office of provostier in the town?s hand,? and the said provost protested that the leaving of his office thus should not be derogatory to the city, nor injurious to its privileges Lord Maxwell was afterwards Governor of Lochmaben, Captain of the Royal Guard, Warden of the West Marches, and Ambassador to France to negotiate the king?s marriage with Mary of Lorraine ; but long ere all that he had been succeeded as provost by Allan Stuart. In 15.26 Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie, Lord High Treasurer, was provost again. In this year it was ordained that through the resort to Edin
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