Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Aqyle Squam.1 LORD MINTO. 273 a Covenanting minister, from the Scottish Govern- ??lent, in the last days of the persecution, and is said to have had a hand in the escape of the Earl of Argyle from his captivity in Edinburgh ; however, he was compelled to take refuge in Holland ; but with the Revolution came the days of change, and seventeen,years subsequent thereto he found ? down towards the Cowgate, surrounded by trees, and recessed back, within, latterly, a pillared carriage entrance, ninety feet from the line of the street This was the first town lodging of the family of Lord Minto, whose race were wont of old to take their share in the rough moss-trooping work of the Borders, but changed with the new world of things. Sir Gilbert Elliot, when constituted a senator in ,, llIy sheep I nq,ected, I ,eR my sheep-hmk, And all the gay haunts of my youth I forsook ; No more for Amynta fresh garlands I wove, For ambition, I said, would won cure me of love ; Oh ! what had my Youth with ambition to Why left I Amynta? why broke I my vow?? . He also wrote a monody on the death of Colonel ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ?And had it no been for me, Willie,? retorted Lord Minto, ?( the pyets wad hae pyked your POW on the Netherbow Port? He was succeeded by his son Sir Gilbert, who was also bred to the bar, and on being appointed Lord Justice Clerk, assumed the title of Minto, anddied in 1766. His son, the third baronet, was a man of considerable political and literary abilities, and filled several high official situations. the past ?? Had it no been for me, my lord,? said Veitch, ?ye ?d been writing papers yet, at a plack a THE FIRST TRADES MAIDEN HOSPITAL. (After Stme?? and S W b d > pondence with David Hume is quoted with commendation by Dugald Stewart in ?? Philosophy of the Human Mind,? and in his ? Dissertation
Volume 4 Page 273
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