Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


The Cowgate.] THE CUNZIE NOOK. 267 dexter hand palmed, and in its palm an eye. In the dexter canton, a saltire argent, under the imperial crown, surmounted by a thistle j and in base a castle argent, masoned sable, within a border, charged with instruments used by the society. To the surgeons. were added the apothecaries. James IV., one of the greatest patrons of art and science in his time, dabbled a little in surgery and chemistry, and had an assistant, John the Leeche, whom he brought from the Continent. Pitscottie tells us that James was ?ane singular guid chirurgione,? and in his daily expense book, singular entries occur in 1491, of payments made to people to let him bleed them and pull their teeth :- ?Item, to ane fallow, because the King pullit furtht his twtht, xviii shillings. ?Item, to Kynnard, ye barbour, for tua teith drawin furtht of his hed be the King, xvci sh.? The barbers were frequently refractory, and brought the surgeons into the Court of Session t e adjust rights, real or imagined. But after the union of the latter with the apothecaries, they gave up the barber craft, and were formed into one corporation by an Act of Council, on the 25th February, 1657, as already mentioned in the account of the old Royal College of Surgeons. The first admitted after the change, was Christopher Irving, recorded as ?? ane free chmgone,? without the usual words ?and barber,? after his name. He was physician to James VII., and from him the Irvings of Castle Irving, in .Ireland, are descended. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE SOCIETY. The Candlemaker Row--The ? Cunzie Nook?-Tbe of Charles 1.-The Candlemakers? Hall--The Afhk of Dr. Symons-The Society, IS+ Brown Square-Proposed Statue to George III., x~-Di&nguished Inhabitants-Si IsIay Campbell-Lard Glenlec-Haigof Beimerside --Si John Lerlie-Miss Jeannie Elliot-Argyle Square-Origin of it-Dr. Hugh Bkit-The Sutties of that Ilk-Trades Maiden Hospital- -Mint0 House and the Elliots-New Medical School-Baptist Church-Chambers Strect-Idustrial Museum of Sdence and Art-Its Great Hall and adjoining Halls-Aim of the Architect-Contents and Models briefly glanced at-New Watt Institution and School of ArtsPhrenoloEical Museum-New Free Tron Church-New Tiainiing College of the Church of Scotland-The Dental Hospita-The . Theatre ofvari.&s. THE Candlemaker Row is simply the first portion of the old way that led from the Grassmarket and Cowgate-head, where Sir John Inglis resided in 1784, to the lands of Bnsto, and thence on to Powburn ; and it was down this way that a portion of the routed Flemings, with Guy of Namur at their head, fled towards the Castle rock, after their defeat on the Burghmuir in 1335. In Charles I.?s time a close line of street with a great open space behind occupied the whole of the east side, from the Greyfriars Port to the Cowgatehead. The west side was the boundary wall of the churchyard, save at the foot, where two or three houses appear in 1647, one of which, as the Cunzie Nook, is no doubt that referred to by Wilson as a curious little timber-fronted tenement, surmounted with antique crow-steps ; an open gallery projects in front, and rude little; shot-windows admit the light to the decayed and gloomy chambers therein.? This, we presume, to be the Cunzie Nook, a place where the Mint had no doubt been estab Cshed at some early period, possibly during some of the strange proceedings in the Regency of Mary of Guise, when the Lords of the Congregation ?past to Holyroodhous, and tuik and intromettit With the ernis of the Cunzehous.? On the west side, near the present entrance to the churchyard of the Greyfriars, stands the hall of the ancient Corporation of the Candlemakers, which gave its name to the Row, with the arms of the craft boldly cut over the doorway, on a large oblong panel, and, beneath, their appropriate motto, . Omnia man;jesfa Zuce. Internally, the hall is subdivided into many residences, smaller accommodation sufficing for the fraternity in this age of gas, so that it exists little more than in name. In 1847 the number of its members amounted to only fhw, who met periodically for various purposes, connected with the corporation and its funds. Edgar?s plan shows, in the eighteenth century, the close row of houses that existed along the whole of the west side, from the Bristo Port to the foot, and nearly till Forrest Road was opened up in a linewith the central Meadow Walk. Humble though this locality may seem now, Sir James Dunbar, Bart., of Dum, rented No. ZI in 1810, latterly a carting office. In those days the street was a place ?of considerable bustle; the Hawick dilligence started twice weekly from Paterson?s Inn, a well-known hostel in its time,
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