Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


256 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Cowgate. Mr. Andrew Anderson, printer to the King?s most Excellent Majesty, for Mr. Andrew Symson, and which must unhesitatingly be pronounced to be superior in elegance to almost any other doors given to modem houses either in Edinburgh or in London. On a frieze between the mouldings is a legend in a style of lettering and orthography which speaks of the close of the fifteenth century :- GIF . YE . DEID . AS , YE . SOULD . YE MYCHT . HAIF . AS ,,YE , VULD, In modem English, ?If we died as we should, we might have as we would.? There is unfortunately no trace of the man who built the house and put upon it this characteristic apophthegm; ,but it is known that the upper floors were occupied about (before?) 1700 by the worthy Andro Syrnson, who having been ousted from his charge as an episcopal minister at the Revolution, continued to make a living here by writing and printing books.? Symson had been curate of Kirkinner,inGalloway, a presentation to him by the earl of that title, and was the author of an elaborate work, and mysterious poem of great length, issued from his printinghouse at the foot of the Horse Wynd,- entitled, ?Tripatriarchicor; or the lives of the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, extracted forth of are to be sold by him in the Cowgate, near the foot of the Hose Wynd, Anno Dom. 1699.? The Horse Wynd which once connected the Cowgate with the open fields on the south of the city, and was broad enough for carriages in days before such vehicles were known, is supposed to have derived its name from an inn which occupied. the exact site of the Gaelic church which was erected there in 1815, after the building in the Castle Wynd was abandoned, and which ranked as a quoad suoa parish church after 1834, though it was not annexed to any separate territory. It was seated for 1,166, and cost ;t;3,000, but was swept away as being in the line of the present Chambers Street. , COLLEGE WYND. (From a Drawinf 6y Willinffl Channing.)
Volume 4 Page 256
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