Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


the neighbouring .collegiate church, to a brewer?s granary and spirit vault ! The ground floor had been entirely re-paved with hewn stone ; but over a large window on the first floor there was a sculptured lintel, which is mentioned by Arnot as having TAILORS? HALL, COWGATE. interesting remains, so characteristic of the obsolete faith and habits of a former age, afforded undoubted evidence of the importance of this building in early times, when it formed a part of the extensive collegiate establishment of St. Mary-in-the-Fields bore the following inscription, cut in beautiful and very early characters :- ???itbe Baria, gratia pkna, lomfnus tecum.? A most beautiful Gothic niche was in the front of this Suilding. ? It is said to have stood originally over the main gateway,? he continues, above the carved lintel we have described, and without a the wealthy citizens of the capital. To complete the ecclesiastical feature of this ancient edifice, a boldly-cut shield on the lower crowstep bore the usual monogram of our Saviour, I.H.S., and the window presented the common feature of broken mullions and transoms with which they had been originally divided.?
Volume 4 Page 252
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