Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


United Secession congregation. It was then seated for 1,792, with a stipend of LZIO and LIZ allowance for sacramental purposes. And in 1856, it became, by purchase, the property of the Roman Catholic body, with whom it still remains. It was THE EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, COWGATE. (AJZLT an Enpming in tkc ?Scots? Magaaiae,? 1774.) Wynd, or street, has been pulled down ; also, the east side of the High School Wynd, with all its picturesque and overhanging timber fronts and dovecot gables. In 1784 Mr. John Franck Erskine, of the atrestored with admirable taste by the late Rev, Dr. Marshal, as a chapel-house ; but it has since been uselessly and recklessly removed by the Kmprovekent Trust, and a hideous edifice substituted in its place. Since then, with the exception of the Tweeddale archway, the whole north side of the street from the Blackfriars? Wynd to the foot of Sk. ? Mary?s SO means of ascertaining. That the ancient name of this street was the Southgate is proved by the title-page of a work presented to the Advocate?s Library in 1788- ?brir enBis the maging an8 bisport of EiJaucrr. Em= prcntit in *e eouthgaitt of QEb?inburgh be 83taIter QChepman an5 ?ZtnBrtin -jRiluIIar 4 e fourth Bag of Wrik tte giJcir of Go8 m.L4CC4Cb anb? biii Bfpits.
Volume 4 Page 249
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