Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


2 48 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. LCowgate. the historian) became senior minister of the Cowgate chapel. One of his immediate predecessors, the Rev. Mr. Fitzsimmons, an Englishman, became seriously embroiled with the authorities, and was arraigned Two of these four, Vanvelde and Jaffie, had escaped from the Castle by sawing through their window bars with a sword-blade furnished to them by John Armour, a clerk in the city. The other two were on parole. The Hon. Henry Erslcine THE MEAL MARKET, COWGATE. before the High Court of Justiciary in July, 1790, on the charge of aiding the escape of Jean Bap tiste Vanvelde, Jean Jacques Jaffie, Re'ne' Griffon, and Hypolite Depondt, French prisoners, from the Castle of Edinburgh, by concealing them in his house, and taking them in the Newhaven fishing boat of Neil Drysdale to the Isle of Inchkeith, where they remained hidden till taken to a cartel ship, commanded by Captain Robertson, in Leith Roads. defended Mr. Fitzsimmons, who was sentenced to three months' imprisonment in the Tolbooth. In the following September 600 French prisoners (including the crew of the Vicforicux) were marched from the Castle, under a guard of the North York Militia, to Leith, where they embarked for England in care of 150 bayonets of the 7rst Highlanders, After the erection of St. Paul's Church, in York Place, the Cowgate Chapel was purchased by the
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