Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Cowgate.] ANCIENT Both these relics are now preserved in the Museum of Antiquities. An act of the Privy Council in 1616 describes Edinburgh as infested by strong and idle vagabonds, having their resorts ?in some parts of the Cowgate, Canongate, Potterrow, West Port, &c., where they ordinarily convene every night, and pass their time in all kind of not and filthy lechery, to the offence and displeasure of God,? lying all day on CLOSES. 241 Close in 1514; Todrig?s Wynd is mentioned in 1456, when Patrick Donald granted two merks yearly from his tenement therein for repairing the altar of St. Hubert, and in 1500 a bailie named Todrig, was assaulted with drawn swords in his own house by two men, who were taken to the Tron, and had their hands stricken through. Carrubber?s Close was probably named from ? William of Caribris,? one of the three bailies in THE COWGATE, FROM THE PORT TO COLLEGE WYND, 1646. ( A f b cfdsthumay.) 17. The Cowgate ; 44, Peebles Wynd ; 45, Merlin?s Wynd ; 46, Niddry?s Wynd ; 47, Dickson?s Close : 50, Gnfs Wynd ; 5% St Mad5 w p d ; h St Mary?s Wpd Suburbs ; I; Cov&e Port ; g, Si M a j s Wynd Port ; 53, The College Wynd ; 54. Robertson?s Wynd ; 55. High School Wynd ; q, Lady Yeser?s Kirk ; .r, The High School ; w, The College ; y, S i M;uy of the Fields, or the Kirk of Fields ; 25, The Town Wall. the causeway, extorting alms with ? shameful exclamations,? to such an extent that passengers could neither walk nor confer in the streets without being impeded and pestered by them ; hence the magistrates gave orders to expel them wholesale from the city and keep it clear of them. The Burgh Records throw some light on the names of certain of the oldest closes-those running between the central street and the Cowgate, as being the residences or erections of old and influential citizens. Thus Niddry?s Wynd is doubtless connected with Robert Niddry, a magistrate in 1437 ; Cant?s Close with Adam Cant, who was Dean of Guild in 1450, though it is called Alexander Cant?s 79 1454, as doubtless Con?s Close was from John Con, a wealthy flesher of 1508. William Foular?s Close is mentioned in 1521, when Bessie Symourtoun is ordered to be burned there on the cheeks and banished for passing gear infected with the pest ; and Mauchan?s Close was no doubt connected with the name of John Mauchane, one of the bailies in 1523; Lord Eorthwick?s Close is frequently mentioned before 1530, and Francis Bell?s Close occurs in the City Treasurer?s Accounts, under date 1554. Liberton?s Wynd is mentioned in a charter by James 111. in 1474, and the old protocol books of the city refer to it frequently in the twelve years preceding Flodden ; William Liberton?s heirs are
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