Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Currie?s, and Dewar?s Closes on the north side of the market, were all doomed to destruction by the late City Improvement Act. In the vicinity of the first-named alley, whose distinctive title implied its former respectability as a paved close, was a tenement, dated 1634, with a fine antique window of oak and ornamental leaden tracery, and an adjacent turnpike stair has the THE CORN EXCHANGE, GRASSMARKET. of December, 1793, so many members of the memorable British Convention were seized and made prisoners, with several English delegates, when holding a political meeting for revolutionary purposes and correspondence with the French Republic. In these transactions and meetings, Robert Watt, a wine merchant, and David Downie, became God . for , all . his . Giftis,? and the initials, ?L B. G. EL? . In Currie?s Close was an ancient door, only two feet nine inches broad, with the halfdefaced legend : GOD . GIVES THE . . . . RES . . . . and the initials, ? G. B.? and ?? B. F,? and a shield charged with a chevron and something like a boar?s head in base. In 1763 such a diversion as cockfighting was utterly unknown in Edinburgh, but in twenty years after, regular matches or maim, as they were technically termed, were held, and a regular cockpit for this school of gambling and cruelty was built in the Grassmarket, and there it was that, on the 12th death for high treason. After the dispersion of the British Convention in the Grassmarket, they became active members of a ? Committee of Union,? to collect the sense of the nation, and of another body styled the Committee of Ways and Means,? of which Downie, who was a goldsmith in the Parliament Close, and an office-bearer of his corporation, was appointed treasurer. In unison With the London Convention, the ?? Friends of the People ? in Edinburgh had lost all hope of redress for their alleged .political wrongs by constitutional means, and designs of a dangerous nature were considered-wild schemes, of which Watt was the active promoter. Their first attempt was to suborn the Hopetoun Fencibles, then at Dalkeith, and under orders for
Volume 4 Page 236
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