Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


216 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Dab. ~~ ~~ Cuthbert?s, in 1831, for .&2,500, and seated for 1,300. The church was built in 1827, and is now named St David?s, the parish being quo~d sawa, and disjoined from St Cuthbert?s. The United Secession Congregation, which formerly sat here, have now their. place of worship, seated for 1,284, on the west side of the Lothian Road. In architecture, externally, it is assimilated with the street. charters granted by the Scottish kings between 1309 and 1413 the lands of Dalry, near Edinburgh, are mentioned in several instances. Under Robert I. the lands of Merchinstoun ahd Dalry ? were granted to William Bisset. Under David II., Roger Hog, burgess of Edinburgh, had ?one annual forth of Dalry ;,I and there was a charter given by William More, of Abercorn, to William Touris and Helenor Bruce, Countess of Carrick, of the lands of Dalry, in the county of Edinburgh. EDINBURGH CASTLE FROM PORT HOPETO[?N, 1825. (A/?#- EW6U.d) Westward of this quarter lies the old historic suburban district named Dalry. The quaint old mancr house of that name, which stood so long embosomed among its ancient copsewood, on the east side of the Dalry Road, with its projecting towers crowned by ogee roofs, is now incorporated with one of the somewhat humble class of streets, which hereabout have covered the whole estate, even to Wester Dalry, near the cemetery of that name. Of Celtic origin, it takes its name from Dal, a vale, and righ, ? a king,? like a place of the same name in Cunningham, near which there is also a spot named, like that at Holyrood, Croft an Righ, ?the croft of the king.? In the roll of missing This Helenor was the only daughter of Alexander, fifth Earl of Carrick (who fell at the battle of Halidon Hill, in 1333)? and was the wife of Sir William Cunningham, of Kilmaurs. In the sixteenth century this fertile and valuable barony became the property of the Chieslieq wealthy burgesses of Edinburgh. . In 1672 there was a ?ratification? by Parliament in favour of the notorious John Chieslie (son of Walter Chieslie of Dalry) of the lands of Gorgie; and the inscription on the tomb of his mother in the Greyfriars is thus given in Monteith?s ?Theatre of Mortality,? I 704- Memonk charissimle SUE mnjugis, Cuthayin@ Tad, ~ U E decessit 27th Januav, 1679 Manumen
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Dab1 THE CHIESLIES. by invading him in his own house at Dalry, where they beat and wounded him and his servants, and took possession of his stables, out of which they turned his horses. ?They had also,? records Fountainhall, ?a recrimination against him, viz., that they being come to fetch his proportion of Straw for their horses, conform to the late Acts of Parliament and Council, he with sundry of his servants and tenants fell on them with (pitch) forks, grapes, &c, and had broken their swords and wounded some of them.? The dispute was referred to the Criminal Court, by sentence of which Davis was banished Scotland, never to return, and Clark was expelled from the Guards. ?The punishment of hamesucken, which turn hoc extrui curavit marks suyerstes PVaZterus ChiesZie de Dahy, mercafor ef civis Edindurgensis. Burnet describes his father as !? a noted fanatic at the time of the civil war.? In 1675-9 there was a manufactory of paper at his mills of Dalry, on the Water of Leith. In April, 1682, John Chieslie complained to the privy Council that Davis, Clark, and some other gentlemen of the Royal Life Gpards (the regiment of Claverhouse) had committed ? hanie-suckeni? I lands of Dalry to Sir Alexander Brand, w-hose memory yet lingers in the names of Brandfield Street and Place on the property. Afterwards the estate belonged to the Kirkpatricks of Allisland, and latterly to the Walkers, one of whom, James, was a Principal Clerk of Session, whose son Francis, on his niamage with the heiress of Hawthomden, assumed the name of Drummond. This once secluded property is now nearly all covered with populous streets. One portion of it, at the south end of the Dalry Road, is now a public cemetery, belonghg to the Edinburgh Cemetery Company, and contains several handsome monument... The same company have established an addi- ~~ .they were certainly guilty of, is death,? says Fountainhall (Vol. I.). We have related in its place how this man, the father of the famous Rachel Chieslie, Lady Grange, assassinated the Lord President, Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath, in 1689, for which his right hand was struck oft; after he had been put to the torture and before his execution, and also how his body was camed away and secretly buried. About 1704 his heir, Major Chieslie, sold the 1 DALRI MANOR HOUSE.
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