Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Great Stuart Street.] LORD JERVISWOODE. 209 memories. He was the second son of George Baillie of Jerviswoode; and a descendant of that memorable Baillie of Jerviswoode, who, according to Hume, was a man of merit and learning, a cadet of the Lamington family, and called "The Scottish Sidney," but was executed as a traitor on the'scaffold at Edinburgh, in 1683, having identified himself with the interests of Monmouth and Argyle. * Lord Jerviswoode was possessed of more than average intellectual gifts, i and still more with charms of person and manners that were not confined to the female side of his house. One sister, the Marchioness of Breadalbane, and another, Lady Polwarth, were both celebrated for their beauty, wit, and accomplishments. On the death of their cousin, in the year 1859, his eldest brother became tenth. Earl of Haddington, and then Charles, by royal warrant, was raised to the rank of an earl's brother. ' ' Prior to this he had a long and brilliant course in law, and in spotless honour is said to have been '' second to none." He was called to the Bar in 1830, and after being Advocate Depute, Sheriff of Stirling, and Solicitor-General, was Lord Advocate in 1858, and M.P. for West Lothim in the following year, and a Lord of Session. In 1862 he became a Lord of Justiciary. He took a great interest in the fine arts, and was a trustee of the Scottish Board of Manufactures; but finding his health failing, he quitted the bench in July, 1874. * He died in his seventy-fifth year, on the 23rd of July, 1879, at his residence, Dryburgh House, in Roxburghshire, near the ruins of the beautiful abbey in which Scott and his race lie interred. For the last five years of his life little had been heard of him in the busy world, while his delicate health and shy nature denied him the power of taking part in public matters. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE WESTERN NEW TOWN-HAYMARKET-DALRY-FOUNTAINBRIDGE. Maitland Street and Shandwick Place--The Albert Institute-Last Residmn of Sir Wa!ter Scott in Edinburgh-Lieutenult-General Dun& -Melville Street-Patrick F. Tytler-Manor Plan-%. Mary's Cathedral-The Foundation Lid-Ita Sic and Aspcct-Opened for Service-The Copestone and Cross placed on the Spire-Haymarket Station-Wmter Garden-Donaldron's H o s p i t a l d t l c Terrpoh Its Chur&es-C&tle Barns-The U. P. Theological Hdl-Union Canal-First Boat Launched-Ddry-The Chieslics-The Caledonian Distille~-Fountainbridge-Earl Grey Street-Professor G. J. Bell-The . Slaughter-houses-Bain Whyt of Binfield-North British India. Rubber WorkScottish Vulcanite Company-Their Manufactures, &,.-Adam Ritchie. THE Western New Town comprises a grand series of crescents, streets, and squares, extending from the line of East and West Maitland Streets and Athole Crescent northward to the New Queensferry Road, displaying in its extent-and architecture, while including the singulax-ly ' picturesque ravine of the Water of Leith, a' brilliance' and beauty well entitling it to be deemed, par excellence, " Z?w West End," and was built respectively about 1822, 1850, and 1866. . Lynedoch Place, so named from the hero of Barossa, opposite Randolph Crescent, was erected in 1823, but prior to that a continuation of the line of Princes Street had been made westward towards the lands of Coates. This was finally effected by the erection of East and West Maitland Streets, Shandwick Place, and Coates and Athole Crescents. In the latter are some rows of stately old trees, which only vigorous and prolonged remonstrance prevented fiom being wantonly cut down, in accordance with the bad taste which at one time prevailed in Edinburgh, where a species of war was waged against all.groWing timber. 75 The Episcopal chapel of St Thomas is now compacted with the remaining houses at the east end of Rutland Street, but presents an ornamental front in 'the Norman style immediately east of Maitland Street, and shows there a richly-carved porch, with some minutely beautiful arcade work. Maitland Street and Shandwick Place, once a double line of frontdoor houses for people of good style, are almost entirely lines of shops or other new buildings. In the first years of the present century, Lockhart of Castlehill, Hepburn of Clerkington, Napier of Dunmore, Tait of Glencross, and Scott of Cauldhouse, had their residences in the former; and No. 23, now a shop, was the abode, about the year 1818, of J. Gibson Lockhaqt, the son-in-law and biographer of Sir Walter Scott He died at Abbotsford in 1854 . In Shandwick Place is now the Albert Institute of the Fine Arts; erected in 1876, when property to the value of £25,ooo was acquired for the purpose. The objects of this institute are the advancement of the cause of art generally, but more especially contemporary Scottish art; to
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