CATHEDRAL, 1787 (aper
The Canongate Tolbooth . . . . . . I
The Burgh Seal of the Canongate . . . , 3
TheMarket Cross, Canongate . . . . . 3
Haddington?s Entry . . . . . . . 4
East End of High Street, Nether Bow, and West End
of Canongate . . . . . . . 5
Effigy of the Moor, Morocco Land . . . . 7
The Marquis of Huntly?s House, from the Canongate. 8
The MarquisofHuntly?sIlouse,from BakehouseClose? g
Nisbet of Dirleton?s House . , . , . 12
The Golfers? Land . . . . . . . 13
The Canongate-Continuation Eastward of Plan on
page 5 . . . . . e . . 16
Tolbooth Wynd . . . . . . . 20
Lintel of John Hunter?s House, Panmure Close . . ZI
The Water Gate . , . . . . . q
Chessel?s Buildings . . . . . . . 25
Lintel above the Door of Sir A. Acheson?s House . 27
Smollett?s House, St. John Street . . . . 28?
The Canongate Church . , . . . , 29
Fergusson?s Grave . . . . . . . 30
The Stocks, from thecanongate Tolbooth. . . 31
Levee Room in Moray House ; Sommer House in the
Garden of Moray House ; Arbour in the Garden
of Moray House ; Portion of a Ceiling in Moray
House . . . . . . . . 32
Moray House . . . . . . . . 33
East End of the Canongate . . . . . 36
The Gnongate, looking West . . . . . 37
The Palace Gafe . . . . . . . 40
Queen Mary?s Bath . . . . . . . 41
Croft-an-righ House . . . , . . . 44
H o l p d Palace and Abbey . , ,. . . 45
Seal of Holymd Abbey . . . . . . 46
TheAbbeyChurch . . . . . . . 4
D a d AZZm).-F~on&pzkc.
Interim of the Chapel Royal of Holyrood House, 1687 49
Ground Plan of the Chapel Royal of Holyrood House 52
West Front of H o l y r d Abbey Church . , . 53
Interior of Holyrood Church, looking East . . 56
North Entrance to the Nave of Holyrood Abbey Church 57
The Belhaven Monument, Holyrood Church . . 60
Isometric Projection of the Royal Palace of Holyrood
House . . . . . . . 61
The Abbey Port . . . . . . . 64
The Queen Mary Apartments, Holyrood Palace
To faccpagc 66
Royal Gardens, and Ancient Horologe . . 68
Gardens, the Abbey Kirk, and?the Kirkyard , 69
Holyrood Palxe, the Regent Moray?s House, the
The Palaceof Holyrood House, the South and North
Holyrood Palaceasit was before theFire of 1650
Holyrood Palace and Abbey Church, from the South-
East . . . . . . . . . 73
The Royal Apartments, H o l y r d Palace Tu farepage 74
The Quadrangle, Holyrood Palace . . . . 76
The Gallery of the Kings, Holyrood Palace . . 77
Holyrood Palace, West Front . . . . . 80
The Hol-mod Fountain . . . . . , 81
The Royal Institution as itwas in 1829 . . . 84
The Royal Institution. . . . . . 85
TheNationalGallery. . . .. . . . 88
Interior of theNational Gallery . . . . Sg
The Bank of Scotland, from Princes Street Gardens . 96
Head of the Mound, prior to the erection of the Free
Church College, 1844 . . To factpage 97
Library of the Free Church College . . . . 97
West Princes Street Gardens, 1875 . . . . lot
Nelson?s Monument, Calton Rill, from Princes Street. I O ~
The Calton Hill, Calton Gaol, Burying-ground, and
Monuments. . . . . . . . 105