Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


Mary in March, 1566, a gift of all the patronages and endowments in the city, which had belonged to the Franciscan and Dominican priories, including the ancient school, which, till then, had been vested in the abbey of the Holy Cross, in January, 1567, they resolved to erect a suitable schoolhouse on the land of the Blackfriars monastery ; and this edifice, which was built for E250 Scots (about A40 sterling) was ready for occupation in the following year. - LADY YLSTER?S CHURCH, 1820. (AfitrStorw.) ascertained, and they were obliged to teach gr.afi; the sons of all freemen of the burgh. For the ultimate completion of its buildings, which included a tall square tower with a conical spire, the school was indebted to James Lawson, who succeeded John Knox as one of the city clergy ; but it did not become what it was originally intended to be-an elementary seminary for logic and philosophy as well as classics ; but it led to the foundation of the University in its vicinity, and This edifice, which was three-storeyed with crowstepped gables, stood east and west, having on its front, which faced the Cowgate, two circular towers, with conical roofs, and between them a square projection surmounted by a gable and thistle. The main entrance was on the east side of this, and had over it the handsome stone panel, which is still preserved in the last new school, and which bears the city arms, the royal cypher, and the motto. MVSIS , RES PUBLICA . FLORET . 1578. At that time, says Amot, there appears to have been only two teachers belonging to this school, with a small salary, the extent of which cannot be hence, says Dr. Steven, ?? they may be viewed as portions of one great institution.? The encouragement received by the masters was so small that they threatened to leave the school if it were not bettered, on which they were ordered to receive a quarterly fee from the sons of the freemen ; the masters of three, and the usher of two shillings Scots (nearly 6s. and nearly 4s. sterling) from each; and soon after four teachers were appointed with fixed salaries and fees, which were augmented from time to time as the value of money changed, and the cost of living increased (Arnot). In 1584, a man of superior attainments and considerable genius, named Hercules Rollock, a
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