Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


William Arbuthnot, who twice held the chair in 1815, and again in 1821. He was created a baronet by the King in person on the 24th of August, 1822, at the banquet given to his Majesty by the City in the Parliament House; but the patent bore date, 3rd April, 1823. He was a son of Arbuthnor of Haddo, who, like himself, had been an official in the Trustees office. In the interim Kincaid Mackenzie and John Manderston had been Lords Provost-the former in 1817. He was a wine merchant in the Lawnmarket, and while in office had the honour of entertaining at his house in Gayfield Square, first, the Russian Grand Duke Michael, and subsequently Prince Leopold, the future King of the Belgians. Among the most eminent Lords Provost of later years we may refer to Sir James Forrest, Bart., of Comiston, who received his title in rS38. During his reign Queen Victoria paid her first visit to her Scottish metropolis in 1842. He was worthily succeeded in 1843 by the late Adam Black, M.P., the distinguished publisher, In 1848 the Lord Provost was the eminent engraver William Johnstone, who was knighted in 1851, when he was succeeded by Duncan M?Laren, a wealthy draper in the High Street, afterwards M.P. for the city, and well known as a steady upholder of Scottish interests in the House. On the 7th August, 1860, during the prorostry of Francis Brown Douglas, Advocate, there took place thegreat review before the Queen and Royal Family in Holyrood Park of 22,ooo Scottish Volunteers, ? merchants perhaps in Scotland, and who had the honour to entertain at his house, 35, George Square, the Prince and Princess of Wales. It was during Mr. Lawson?s reign that, on the 10th of hfarch, 1863, the Prince?s marriage took place, an occasion that gave rise to the great and magnificent illumination of the city-a spectacle the like of which has never been seen, before or since, in this country. His successor, in 1865, was William Chambers, LL. D., the well-known Scottish writer, and member of the eminent publishing firm of W. and R. Chambers, High Street, during whose double tenure of office the work of demolition in connection with the city improvements commenced in the block of buildings between St. Mary?s Wynd and Gullan?s Close, Cannongate, on the 15th June, 1868. A grand review and sham-fight of volunteers and regulars, to the number of 10,000 men, took place in the royal park on the 4th July ; and subsequently the freedom of the City was bestowed upon Lord Napier of Magdala, and upon that far-famed orator, John Bright, M.P. In 1874 James Falshaw was elected to the chair, the j ~ s t Englishman who ever held such an office in Edinburgh. He was created a baronet of the United Kingdom in 1876 on the occasion of the unveiling by the Queen of the Scottish National Memorial of the late Prince Consort in Charlotte Square. He was preceded in the chair by William Law, and succeeded in 1877 by Sir Thomas Jamieson Boyd, the well-known publisher, who was knighted in 1881 on the occasion of the Volunteer Review. CHAPTER XXXV. INFIRMARY STREET AND THE OLD HIGH SCHOOL. Blackfriars Monastq-Its Formdation-Destrpyed by Fire-John Black the Dominican-The Friary Gardens- Lady Yester : her Church and TomLThe Buryiug Ground-The Old High School--The Ancient Grammar School-David Vocat-School Founded-Hercules RdlLlock-Early ClassesThe House Destroyed hy the English-The Bleis-Silver-David Malloch-The Old High Schml-Thomas Ruddiman, Rector-Barclay?s Class-Henry Mackenzii?s Reminiscences-Dr. Addam, Rector : his Grammar-New Edifice Proposcd and Erected-The School-boy Days of Sir Water Scott-Allan Masterton-The School in 1803-Death of Rector Adam-James Pdans, M.A., and A R Canon, RectorsThe New Schwl Projected-The Old one Abandoned. INFIRMARY STREET is now a continuation of Chambers Street to the eastward, and is a thoroughfare of great antiquity, as it led from the north side of the Kirk-of-field, past the Dominican Monastery and &to the Old High School Wynd. In 1647 it was a double street with one long continuous line of houses, occupyiing the whole front- ! Dominican or Blackfriars? Monastery, founded in age of the future infirmary, and having six long abutments (or short closes) running south towards the south-eastem flank of the City wall. On the exact site of the Old Surgical Hospital there stood for nearly four hundred years a great edifice of which now not a trace remains, the
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