Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


-48 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. WolJlmd mted with several mouldings, partly circular and partly hexagonal. The eagle stands upon a globe, and the shaft has been originally supported on three feet, which are now gone. The lectern at present is five feet seven inches in height, and is inscribed :-?GEORGIUS CREICHTOUN, EPISCOPUS DUNKENENSIS.? He died on January 24th, 1543, and the probability is that the lectern had been presented to Holyrood on his elevation to Dunkeld as a farewell ? 1523. He had been previously provost of the collegiate church of Corqtorphine, and was twice High Treasurer, in 1529 and 1537. In 1538 he was elected Bishop of KOSS, and held that office, together with the Abbacy of Ferne, till his death, jrst November, 1545. XXIX ROBERT STUART, of Strathdon, a son.of James V. by Eupham Elphinstone, had a grant of the abbacy when only seven years of age, and in manhood he joiiied the Reformation party, in 1559. THE ABBEY CHURCH. (From an Engravitigin Maitlads ?History of Edinbaq-4.?) gift, and that it had been stolen from the abbey by Sir Richard Lea of Sopwell, who accompanied the Earl of Hertford in the invasion of 1544, and who carried off the famous brazen font from Holy- TOO^, and presented it to the parish church of St. Albans, with a magniloquent inscription. ?? This font, which was abstracted from Holyrood, is no longer known to exist, and there seems no reason to doubt that the lectern, which was saved by being buried during the Civil Wars, was abstracted at the same time, and given to the church of St. hlbans by the donor of the font.?? XXVII. WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Prior of Coldingham, was the next abbot. XXVIII. ROBERT CAIRNCROSS,abbot September He died in r5z8. He married in 1561, and received from his sister, Queen Mary, a gift of some Crown lands in Orkney and Shetland in 1565, with a large grant out of the queen?s third of Holyrood in the following year. In 1569 he exchanged his abbacy with Adam Bishop of Orkney for the temporalities of that see, and his lands in Orkney and Shetland were erected into an earldom in his favour 28th October, 1581. XXX. ADAM BOTHWELL, who acquired the abbacy in commendam by this strange and lawless compact, did not find his position a very quiet one, and several articles against him were presented in the General Assembly in 1570. The fifth of these stated that all the twenty-seven churches of the
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?? are decayit, and made some sheep-folds, and some sa ruinous that none dare enter into thame for fear of falling, especially Halyrud HOUS, althocht the Bishop of Sanct Androw?s, in time of Papistry, INTERIOR OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL OF HOLYROOD HOUSE, 1687- (AflW Wyck a d p. Mad;.) abbacy in favour of his son before 1583, and died in 1593. He was interred near the third pillar from the south-east corner, on the south side of the church. up and repairt.? To this Bothwell answered that the churches referred to had been pillaged and ruined before his time, especially Holyrood I Church, ?quhilk hath been thir tnintie yeris 1 bygane ruinous through decay of twa principal pillars, sa that none wer assurit under it,? and that two thousand pounds would not be sufficient for 24th February, 1581, and was a Lord of Session in 1593. In 1607 part of the abbey property, together with the monastery itself, ,vas converted into a temporal peerage for him and his heirs, by the title of Lord Holyroodhouse. John Lord Bothwell died without direct heirs male, and though the title shouldhave descended to his brother
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