Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


in what was of old the open garden ground attached t o the palace. The tradition of its having been the Queen?s bath is of considerable antiquity. Pennant records an absurd story to the effect that she was wont to use a bath of white wine ; but the spring of limpid water that now wells under the earthen floor attests that she resorted to no other expedient than aqua jura to exalt or shield her charms. And the story is also referred to in a poem called ?( Craigmillar,? published about 1770. William Graliam, the last Earl of Airth, who died in 1694, from the Earl of Linlithgow. By him it is described as being situated at the back of Holyrood, arid having before belonged to Lord Elphinstone. The ?History of Holyrood,? published in 1821, states that the old house of Croft-an-Righ, an edifice of the sixteenth century, had been the residence of the Regent Moray, and with its garden was ?gifted, along with several of the adjoining dence of Scottish courtiers in the days of other years. The most remarkable of these is the ancient house of CYofan-Rl;sS?I, or the Field of the King. Corbelled turrets adorn its sollthern gable, and dormer windows its northern front, while many of the ceilings exhibit ela5orate stucco details, including several royal insignia. Traditionally this house, which, in 1647, was approached from the Abbey burying-ground by an arched gate between two lodges, has been erroneously associated with Mary of Guise; but is of the said Abbey of Halirudhouse, grantit the privilige of the Girth (protection and sanctuary) to the hail boundis of the said Abbey, and to that part of the burghe of the Cannogait, fra the I Girth Corse (cross) down to the Clokisrwne Mylne, quhilk privilige has bene inviolablie observit to all manner of personis curnond wytin the boundes aforsaid, not committand the crymes expresslie exceptit for all maner of girt%, and that in all tymes bigane past memorie of man.?
Volume 3 Page 41
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