Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Duke of Dmmlanrig ! ? He died in Queensberry House. His daughter, Anne Countess of Wemyss, died z miserable death on the 16th of February, 1700. She set fire accidentally to her apron, ?nightrail, and steinkirk. Her nose was burnt off and the flame throat.? His son his many he fled from Edinburgh, but was elected as one of the peers to represent Scotland. On his return to. London he was met by a cavalcade of noblemen and gentlemen, and was preceded to his house at Kensington by forty coaches and four hundred. horsemen. .Next day he was presented to the: EAST END OF THE CANONGATE. (From Cadon of Rot/z;enmv?s Maj.) 8, the Canongate : 31, the Tennis Court; k, the Water Port. went in and burnt her tongue and James, the second duke, resigned all appointments under James VII., including the command of the Scots Horse Guards, and was received by William of Orange with great cordiality. He made him a captain in his Dutch Guards, and Lord of the Bedchamber and Treasury. He was one of the commissioners for the Treaty of Union, to achieve which the sum of AGIZ,~ZS was paid him by the Earl of Godolphin, and then created him Duke of Dover, Marquis of Beverley,, and Baron Ripon. Connected with his residence in Queensberry House, against which the whole fury and maledictions of the mobs were directed at the time ofthe Union, there is a tale of awful mystery and horror. His eldest son, James Earl of Drumlanrig, is simply stated in the old peerages ?te? have died young.? It is now proved, however, that he was an idiot of the most wretched kind,. rabid and gluttonous as a wild animal, and grew
Volume 3 Page 36
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