Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


36 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Canongate 4? History of Music j ? Dr. Gregory ; David Xllan ; Lord Cromarty; and many others who have left $heir ?? footprints on the sands of time.? There, too, is the grave of the ill-fated Fergusson the poet, above which is the tombstone placed at the order of Robert Burns by Gowans, a marble- -cutter in the Abbey Hill, ?to remain for ever sacred to the memory of him whose name it bears,? with the inscription Bums penned :- ? HERE LIES ROBERT FERGUSSON. Born Sept. sth, 1751. Died October 16th, 1774. No sculptured marble here, nor pompous lay, This simple stone directs pale Scotia?s way No stoned urn nor animated bust ; To pour her sorrows o?er her poet?s dust.? Here, on the 16th of Tune, , - ? Henry Prentice. Died . . . . Be not curious to know how I lived ; But rather how yourself should die.? He was, however, eventually interred at Restalrig. At least three tenements of three storeys each would seem to have occupied the site of the church. One of the picturesque relics of the past in Edinburgh is the old Canongate Tolbooth, with its sombre tower and spire, Scoto-French corbelled turrets, huge projecting clock, dark-mouthed archway, its moulded windows, and many sculptured stones. Above the arch is the inscription- S. L. B. PATRIA ET POSTERIS 1591 ; and in a niche are the usual insignia of 1821, Sir Walter Scott att the burgh, the stag?s head and- cross,, the funeral of John Ballantyne, with the motto SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, while .and displayed considerable emo- the appropriate niotto ESTO FIDUS surtion. ?He cast his eyes along mounts the inner doorway to the court- -the overhanging line of the Calton house. At the south-east comer is the Hill, with its gleaming walls and old shaft of the cross and pillory, near towers, and then turning to the the entrance to the police-station. .grave again, ?I feel,? he whispered it is a fine example of the fices of the reign of Janies VI. In the tower are two bells, in Lockhart?s ear, ?I feel as if there would be less sun- -shine for me from this day one inscribed SOLI DEO HONOR ET forth.? 2y GLORIA, 1608, and a larger one, In May 1880 there was cast in 1796. Between the stately erected here a monument windows of the Council .of rose-coloured granite, Hall is a pediment sur- Wenty-six feet high, by Mr. mounted by a great thistle Ford of the Holyroad Glass and the legend :- -Works, ?? In memory of the J. R 6. JUSTITIA ET PIETAS burgh Castle, situated in , FERGUSSON?S GRAVE. Herein the magistrates soldiers who died in Edin- VALIDE SUNT PRINCIPIS ABCES. .the Parish of Canongate, interred here from the year 1692 to 1880.? It k very ornate, has on its base sculptured trophies, -and was inaugurated in presence of General Hope, his staff, and the 71st Highlanders. Prior to its erection the spot where so many soldiers have .found their last home was only a large square patch covered by grass. In the ?? Domestic Annals ? we find recorded the .death, in 1788, of Henry Prentice, by whom the field culture of the potato was first introduced into. the county of Edinburgh, in 1746. He had made .a. little money as a travelling merchant, was an .eccentric character, and in 1784 sunk A140 with the managers of the Canongate poorhouse for a weekly subsistence. He had his coffin made, with the date of his birth thereon, 1703, and long bad his gravestone conspicuously placed in the burgh churchyard, inscribed thus :- who came as successors of the abbots of Holyrood as over-lords of the burgh, held u-eekly courts for the punishment of offenders, the adjustment of small debts, and the affairs of the little municipality. That the building is older than any of the dates upon it, or that it had apredecessor, the following extracts from the ?? Burgh Records ? attest :- ?? Vndecimo decembris, an : 1567. ?The quhilk day it was concludit, be the Baillies and Counsall, to pursew quhatsomever person that is known and brutit wt the breking of the Tolbooth of this burcht, the tyme of the furth letting of Janet Robertsoun, being werdit within the samyn, &c.? In 1572 the following item occurs :- ?TO sax pynonis (pioneers?) att the Baillies *command for taking doun of the lintel-stone of the Ruld Tolbooth window-iij-s vi-d.? In 1654 several Scottish prisoners of war, con
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