Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


CANNONGATE trespasses. This was the case with Mrs. Bellamy. Her waiting-maid, Anne Waterstone, who is mentioned in her ?Memoirs,? lived many years after in Edinburgh, and continued to the last to adore the memory of her mistress. Nay, shc was, from this cause, a zealous friend of all players, and would never allow a slighting replark upon them to pass unreproved. It was curious to find in a poor old Scotchwoman of the humbler class such a sympathy with the follies and eccentricities of the children of Thespis.? The erection of the New Theatre Royal in the extended royalty eclipsed its predecessor in the MRS. BELLAMY. in Peter Williamson?s Directory? as an ? Excellent Shoemaker and Leather Tormentor.? The adjoining alley, St. John?s Close, is open towards St. John?s Street. Narrow and ancient, it shows over a door-lintel on its west side the legend, within a sunk panel, THE LORD IS ONLY MY SUPORT. Near this a spacious elliptical archway gives access to St. John?s Street, so named with reference to St. John?s Cross, a broad, airy, and handsome thoroughfare, ?one of the heralds of the New Town,? and associated with the names of many of the Scottish aristocracy who lingered in the old The doorway is but three feet wide. 25 - - that Mrs. Bellamy was extremely fond of singing birds, and when visiting Glasgow was wont to have them carried by a porter all the way, lest they might suffer by the jolting of a carriage, and people wondered to hear of ten guineas being expended for such a purpose. Persons under the social ban for their irregular lives often win the love of individuals by their benevolence and sweetness of disposition-qualities, it is to be remarked, the old Playhouse Close, is a fine specimen of the Scottish street architecture in the time of Charles I. It has a row of dormer windows, with another of storm-windows on a steep roof, that reminds one of those in Bruges and Antwerp. Over a doorway within the close is an ornamental tablet, the inscription on which has become defaced, and the old theatre itself has long since given place to private dwellings, In one of these lived, in 1784, CHESSEL?S BUILDINGS. (From a Drawirg 6y Sforrr,prtblislred in 1820.)
Volume 3 Page 25
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