Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


tion, such as David Laing, Robert Chambers, and Cosmo Innes. In his ? Diary? Scott writes of him as ?a very remarkable man. He has infinite wit and a great turn for antiquarian lore. His drawings are the most fanciful and droll imaginable -a mixture between Hogarth and some of those foreign masters who painted ?Temptations of St. Anthony ? and such grotesque subjects, My idea is that Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, with his oddities, tastes, satire, and high aristocratic feelings, resembles Horace Walpole.? THE EXCISE OFFICE, DRUMMOND PLACE portraits, some on the walls, but many more on the floor. A small room leading out of this one was the place where Mr. Sharpe gave audiences. Its diminutive space was stuffed full of old curiosities, cases with family bijouterie, &c. One petty object was strongly indicative of character, a calling card of Lady Charlotte Campbell, the once adored beauty, stuck into the frame of a picture. He must have kept it, at that time, about thirty years.? This lady, one of the celebrated Edinburgh beauties, was the second daughter of John, Duke of The resemblance in their abodes was more strictly true. The house of Sharpe, No. 28 Drummond Place, was one of the sights of Edinburgh to the select few who found admittance there, with its antique furniture, tapestries, paintings, and carvings -its exquisite enamels, weapons, armour, bronzes, bijouterie, ivories, old china, old books, and cabinets- the mighty collection of a long life, and the sale of which, at his death, occupied six long days at the auction rooms in South Hanever Street. Robert Chambers deseribes a visit he paid him in Princes Street. ?? His servant conducted me to the first floor, and showed me into what is called amongst us the back drawing-room, which I found carpeted with green cloth and full of old family (From a Drawing Sy She&%?, #&shed in 1829.) Argyle, who died in 1806, and the visit referred to took place about 1824. To Mr. Sharpe Sir Walter owed many of the most graphic incidents which gave such inimitable life to the productions of his pen ; and a writer in the Gentleman?s Magazine justly remarked that ?his collection of antiquities is among the richest which any private gentleman has ever accumulated in the north. In Scottish literature he will be always remembered as the editor of ?Law?s Memorials? and of ? Kkkton?s History of the Kirk of Scotland.? His taste in music was no less cultivated than peculiar, and the ~ curious variety of singular and obsolete musical instruments which enriched his collection, showed how well t b ~
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Volume 3 Page 193
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