Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


son of Laurence, fourth Lord Oliphant, and father of the sixth lord who bore that title. His elder brother, the master, was one of the Ruthven conspirators in 1582, and perished at sea when fleeing from Scotland. Beside it, a building of the same age was the THE MARQUIS OF HUNTLY?S HOUSE, FROM THE CANONGATE only a portion of the walls of which were standing in 1847. It is supposed to have been the abode of Archibald, ninth Earl of Angus, who, as nephew and ward of the Regent Morton, was involved in his ruin, and fled the realm to England, where he became, as Godscroft tells US, the favourite ?of John, second Earl of Tweeddale (who was among the first to join the royal standard at Nottingham in 1642), and who granted that barony to the former in 1687, at a time when he, the earl, was oppressed by debts which compelled him to sell his whole estate of Tweeddale to the Duke of Queensberry. Northward of this edifice, and partly on the site now occupied by the Chapel of Ease in New Street, was the ancient residence of the Earl of Angus, his uncle, but no lesse for his own sake.? Moreover, he adds that he became the friend of Dudley, Walsingham, and Sir Philip Sidney, who was then writing his Arcadia,? which ? hee delighted much to impart to Angus, and Angus took as much pleasure to be partaker thereot? Returning to Scotland, he became involved in many troubles, and died in I 588-the victim, it was . alleged, of sorcery, by the spells, says Godscroft, of Barbara Napier, in Edinburgh, ?? wife to Archibald
Volume 3 Page 8
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