Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Since on her dusky summit ranged, Within its steepy limits pent By bulwark, line, and battlement, And flanking towem and laky flood, Guarded and garrisoned, she stood, Denying entrance or resort, Save at each tall embattled port ; Above whose arch suspended hung Portcullis, spiked with iron prong, That long is gone ; but not so long, U tains above 24,000 volumes of standard works in every department of literature and science j and there is bne of reference, kept in a separate department, consisting of a valuable collection of encyclopzdias, geographical, biographical, and scientific dictionaries, atlases, statistical tables, &c., which are at all times available to the numerous members on application. THE MUSIC HALL, Since early closed, and opening late, Jealous revolved the studded gate, Whose task from eve to morning tide A wicket churlishly supplied. Stem then and steel-girt was thy brow, Dun-Edin ! Oh, how altered now ! When safe amid thy mountain court Thou sitt'st like empress at her sport, And liberal, unconfined, and free, Flinging #icy white m s #o the sm ! Near the east end of Queen Street is the Philosophical Institution, the late president of which was Thomas Carlyle. It was founded'in 1848. Here lectures are delivered on all manner of. scientific and literary subjects. The programme ef these for a session averages about thirty subjects. There are a library, reading-room, news-room, and ladies' I GEORGE STREET Classes for Latin, French, German, drawing of all kinds, mathematics, shorthand, writing, arithmetic, fencing, and gymnastics, are open on very moderate terms; and the members of the Edinburgh Chess Club, who must also be members of the Philosophical Institution, meet in one of the apartments, which is open for their use from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Adjoining this edifice were the offices of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. No. 8 Queen Street was built and occupied by Chief Baron Orde of the Scottish Exchequer, and in size considerably exceeds and excels the other houses in its vicinity. Baron Orde, whose daughter Elizabeth became the second wife of Lord Braxfield, died in I 777, and was succeeded in
Volume 3 Page 152
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