Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


West Church.] THE LOTHIAN ROAD. =37 towards Bruntsfield Links, had long been projected, but owing to the objections raised by the proprietors of many barns, byres, and sheds which stood in the way, the plan could not be matured, till after several years of trouble and speculation j in length by twenty paces in breadth." This scheme he concerted with address, and executed with nautical promptitude It happened to be the winter season, when many men were unemployed. He had no difficulty in collecting several hundreds ST. CUTHBERT'S CHURCH. and when at last the proposal was about to be of these at the Kirkbraehcad upon the appointed agreed to by the opposing parties, the broad and ' morning before sunrise, when he gave them all a stately road was-to the surprise of the public and ' plentiful breakfast of porter, whisky, and bread and mortification of the opposition-made in one day ! cheese, after which, just as the sun rose, he ordered '' some to tear down' en- John Clerk, Bart., of Pennicuik (an' officer: of't'hc ! dlosuresi others to unroof and demolish cottages, in 1784). laid a bet with a friend to the effect I with to fill up the natural hollow (near the church- " that he. would, between sunrise and sunset, ' yard gate) to the required height. The inhabitants, execute the line of road, extending nearly a mile 1 dismayed at so vast a force and so summary a It so happened that a gentleman, said to be! Sir. 1 th,e% ,to* set to, work royal navy, who succeeded his father, Sir George, I and a considerahle portion to bring' earth where- 66
Volume 3 Page 137
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