Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


130 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Princes Strat municipal oflices, and was twice Lord Provost. It is from the studio of John Hutchison, R.S.A. In the same year there was placed in West Gardens the bronze statue of the great and good physician, Sir James Sinipson, Bart. It is from the PROFESSOR WILSON'S SI'ATUE studio of his friend, William Erodie, R.S.A., and is admitted by all to be an excellent likeness, but is unfortunately placed as regards light and shadow. Another monument erected in these gardens of Princes Street is the bronze statue of Dr. Livingstone, which was inaugurated in August, 1876. It is from the hands of Mrs. D. 0. Hill (widow of the well-known artist of that name), sister of Sir Noel Paton. It has the defect of being-though an admirable likeness of the great explorer-far too small for the place it occupies, and is more suitable for the vestibule of a public building. In the spring of 1877 great improvements were begun in this famous street. These included the widening of the foot pavement along the north side by four feet, the removal of the north line of tramway rails to the south of the previous south lice, the consequent inclusion of a belt of gardens about ten feet broad, the shifting of the parapet wall with its iron railing ten feet back, and the erectibn of an ornamental rail along the whole line of gardens ahout two feet from the north edge of the sloping bank, at the estimated cost of about A6,084 from St. Andrew Street to Hanover Street, and ~ 1 2 , 1 6 0 from thence to Hope Street. The width of the new carriage-way is sixty-eight feet, as compared with some fifty-seven feet before these improvements commenced, whilt! the breadth of the pavement on the south side has been increased from seven and nine feet, to a uniform breadth of twelve feet, and that on the north to eighteen feet. The contract price of the carriage road was Azo,ooo, a fourth of which was payable by the Tramway Company and the remainder by the Town Council. Some idea of the extent of this undertaking niay be gathered from the fact that about one million of whinstone blocks, nine inches in length, seven in depth, and three thick, have been used in connection with the re-paving of the thoroughfare, which is now the finest in the three kingdoms. On either side of the street square dressed chahnel stones, from three to four feet in length by one foot ALLAN RAMSAY'S STATUE in breadth? slightly hollowed on the surface, have been laid down, the water in which is canied into the main sewers by surface gratings, placed at suitable intervals along the whole line of this magnificent street.
Volume 3 Page 130
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