Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Princes Street.] THE IRISH GIANTS. 121 two Irish giants-twin brothers-exhibited themselves to visitors at a shilling per head, from four till nine every evening, Sundays excepted. ? These wonderful Irish giants are but twenty-three years of age, and measure nearly eight feet high,? according to the newspapers. ?? These extraordinary young men have had the honour to be seen by ~~ ~~~ ~ inches high); and the late Swedish giant will scarce admit of comparison.? Of these Irish giants, whose advent is among the first notabilia of Princes Street, Kay gives us a full-page drawing in his first volume, including, by, way of contrast, Lord Monboddo, Bailie Kyd, a wine merchant in the Candlemaker Row, who ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE. ( A I . the Podraif by Raebunr.) their ma,jesties and the royal family at Windsor, in November, 1783, with great applause, and likewise by gentlemen of the faculty, Royal Society, and other admirers of natural curiosity, who allow them to surpass anything of the kind ever offered (xi.) to the public. Their address is singularly pleasing ; their persons truly shaped and proportioned to their height, and afford an agreeable surprise. They excel the famous Maximilian Miller, born in 1674, shown in London in 1733 (six feet ten 64 died in 18r0, Andrew Bell, an engraver (who died in Lauriston Lane in 18og), and others of very small stature. In 1811 this house and No. I were both hotels, the former being named ?The Crown,? and from them both, the ?Royal Eagle? and ?Prince Regent?? Glasgow stagecoaches started daily at g am. and 4 p.m. ?? every lawful clay-?? Taking the houses of note as they occur seriatim, the first on the north side, No. 10-for some time a
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