Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


of the most brilliant conversationalists and the kindest-hearted of men in Edinburgh. Among the prizes competed for are the gold THE HIGH SCHOOL. medal was first awarded." The appendix to Stevens's history of the famous school contains a most interesting list of 180 boys, medallists or city for Greek in the Rector's class ; the Ritchie gold medal, presented in 1824, by Mr. William Ritchie, for twenty-three years a master of the school; the Macdonald, a third class medal, given by Colonel John Macdonald, of the regiment of Clan Alpine, son of the celebrated Flora Macdonald, and presented for the first time in 1824. The College Bailie silver medal for writing, the personal gift of the gentleman holding that office for the year, was first presented in 1814, and for the last time in 1834. "The head boy or dux of the school, at the yearly examination, till about the close of the eighteenth century," says Dr. Steven, '( usuallyreceived from the city, as a prize, a copy of the best edition of one of the classics. This was prior to I 794, when a gold 63 a gold medal given by Lieut.-Colonel Peter Murray, Adjutant-General in Bengal in 1794, and the name of which was changed to the Macgregor. institution in the kingdom has ever sent forth SO many pupils who have added fresh laurels to the glory of their country. In it is still preserved as a relic the carved stone which was over the principal entrance of the first school from'1578 to 1777. It bears within a panel the triple castle of the city, with the initials I. S., and, under the thistle, the date and legend :- MVSIS : RESPUBLICA FLORET. 1578. Above t6is in a pediment is an imperial cronm, with two thistles and the initials I. R. 6. The High School Club, composed of old scholars, was first instituted in 1849. At a great entertainment given in the city to Mr. (afterwards Lord) Brougham, on the 25th of April, 1825, presided over by Henry (afterwards Lord) Of the distinguished men in every department of life who conned their studies in the class-rooms, even of the new High School, it is impossible to attempt
Volume 3 Page 113
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