Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


gave a similar course to the Duke of Edinburgh, when both were resident in the city. On his removal to London in 1866 he was succeeded as Rector by James Donaldson, LL.D., one of the ablest preceptors that Scotland has produced, Dr. Donaldson was born at Aberdeen on the 26th of April, 1831, and was educated at the Grammar School and Marischal College and University of his native city, and the University of BURNS'S MONUMENT, CALTON HILL. ship and liberal views. Particularly has he distinguished himself by his exhaustive study of the early Christian Fathers, and his "Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council " (3 vols.), is a standard work on the important subject with which it deals; while the " Ante-Nicene Christian. Library," of which he is joint-editor, affords further proof of the great and permanent Edinburgh University, Rector of the High School of Stirling in 1854, classical master in the High School of Edinburgh in 1856, and Rector of the same school in 1866, in succession, as has been seen, to Dr. Leonhard Schmitz. During his rectorship the High School conspicuously sustained the world-wide reputation which it has always enjoyed for the all-round excellence of its education. Though Dr. Donaldson devoted himself to the watchful guidance of the great institution over which he presided with rare zeal and affectionate solicitude for its interests and those of the scholars entrusted to his care, .he found time to enrich the classical and educational stores of his country by various works exhibiting alike profound scholardepartment of Christian history and theology. Dr. Donaldson was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and received the degree of LL.D. from -4berdeen University; he has edited at different times various periodical journals, and has contributed several articles to the " Encyclopzdia Britannia.." In 1881 he was appointed professor of Humanity in the University of Aberdeen. Among other eminent classical masters in the new High School were John Macmillan, a native of Dumfries-shire, and John Carmichael, a native of Inverness, who was succeeded in 1848 by his nephew, also named John Carmichael, who had won classical distinction both in the Edinburgh Academy and at the University, and who was one
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