Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Calton Hill.] THE HIGH SCHOOL. IT1 ture, including reading, orthography, recitation, grammar, and composition, together with British history, forms the prominent parts of the system ; while the entire curriculum of study-which occupies six years-embraces the Latin, Greek, French, and German languages, history, geography, physiology, chemistry, natural philosophy, zoology, botany, algebra, geometry, drawing, fencing, gymnastics, and military drill. In the library are same form, each possessing no advantage over his schoolfellow. ?? Edinburgh has reason to be proud of this noble institution,? said Lord Provost Black at the examination in 1845, ?as one which has conferred a lustre upon our city, and which has given a tone to the manners and intellect of its Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands, and whatever be the walk of life in which they are led, I believe I inhabitants. all4ikelihood never will be. In the long roll of its scholars are the names of the most distinguished men of all professions, and in every branch of science and literature, many of whom have helped to form and consolidate British India. It also includes three natives of Edinburgh, High School callants,? who have been Lord Chancellors of Great Britain-Wedderburn, Erskine, and Brougham. The annual examinations always take place in presence of the Lord Provost and magistrates, a number of the city clergy and gentlemen connected with the other numerous educational establishments in the city. There is also a large concourse of the parents and friends of the pupils. The citizens have ever rejoiced in this ancient school, and are justly proud of it, not only for the prominent position it occupies, but from the peculiarity of its constitumanity. Dr. Carson held the office till October, 1845, when feeble health compelled him to resign, and he was succeeded by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz (as twenty-sixth Rector, from D. Vocat, Rector in 151g), the first foreigner who ever held L classical mastership in the High School. He was a graduate of the University of Bonn, and a native of Eupen, in Rhenish Prussia. He was the author of a continuation of Niebuhr?s ?History of Rome,? in three volumes, and many other works, and in 1844 obtained from his native monarch the gold medal for literature, awarded ?as a mark of his Majesty?s sense of the honour thereby conferred on the memory of Niebuhr, one of the greatest scholars of Germany.? In 1859 he was selected by her Majesty the Queen to give a course of historical study to H.R.H. the Prince , of Wales, and during the winter of 1862-3, he
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