Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Calton HilL] THE NATIONAL MONUMENT. 109 ~ Grand Master of Scotland, the various loQges proceeded in procession from the Parliament Square, accompanied by the commissioners for the King, and a brilliant concourse. The foundation-stone of the edifice (which was to be 228 feet long, by IOZ broad) weighed six tons, and amid salutes of cannon from the Castle, Salisbury Craigs, Leith Majesty, the patron of the undertaking. The celebrated Parthenon of Athens being model of the edifice.? The Scots Greys and 3rd Dragoons formed the escorts. Notwithstanding the enthusiasm displayed when the undertaking was originated, and though a vast amount of money was subscribed, the former subsided, and the western peristyle alone THE NATICNAL MORUMEST, CALTON HILL. Fort, and the royal squadron in the roads, the inscription plates were deposited therein, One is inscribed thus, and somewhat fulsomely :- ?? To the glory of God, in honour of the King, for the good of the people, this monument, the tribute of a gratefur country to her gallant and illustrious sms, as a memorial of the past and incentive to the future heroism of the men of Scotland, was founded on the 27th day of August in the year of our Lord 1822, and in the third year of the glorious reign of George IV., under his immediate auspices, and in commemoration of his most gracious and welcome visit to his ancient capital, and the palace of his royal ancestors; John Duke of Atholl, James Duke of Montrose, Archibald Earl of Rosebery, John Earl of Hopetoun, Robert Viscount Melville, and Thomas Lord Lynedoch, officiating as commissioners, by the special appointment of his august was partially erected. In consequence of this *emarkable end to an entefprise that was begun mder the most favourable auspices, the national monument is often referred to as ?Scotland?s pride and poverty.? The pillars are of gigantic proportions, formed of beautiful Craigleith stone ; each block weighed from ten to fifteen tons, and each column as it stands, with the base and frieze, cost upwards of LI,OOO. As a ruin it gives a classic aspect to the whole city. According to the original idea, part of the edifice was to be used as a Scottish Valhalla On the face of the hill overlooking Waterloo Place is the monument of one of Scotland?s gredtest philosophers. It is simply inscribed :- DUGALD STEWART. BORN NOVEMBER 22ND, 1753; DIED JUKE KITH, 1828.
Volume 3 Page 109
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