Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


108 OLD -4ND NEW EDINBURGH. [Calton Hill. ~~~~ sea or land, with all its defects it makes a magnificent termination to the vista along Princes Street from the west. The base is a battlemented edifice, divided into small apartments and occupied as a restaurant Above its entrance is the crest of Nelson, with a sculpture representing the stern of the Son ?jGosep/l, and underneath an inscription, ~- of which the monument rises possesses an outline which, by a curious coincidence, presents a profile of Nelson, when viewed from Holyrood. The time-ball, which is in electric communication with the time-gun at the Castle, falls every day at one o?clock simultaneously with the discharge of THE CALTON BURYING-GROUND : HUME?S GRAVE. recording that the grateful citizens of Edinburgh ?- have erected this monument, not to express their unavailing sorrow for his death, nor yet to celebrate the matchless glories of his life, but by his noble example to teach their sons to emulate what they admire, and like him, when duty requires it, to die for their country.? From this pentangular base rises, to the height of more than IOO feet, a circular tower, battlemented at the top, surmounted by the time-ball and a flagstaff, where a standard is always hoisted on the anniversary of Trafalgar, and used also to be run up on the 1st of August in memory of the battle of Abouku. Around the edifice are a garden and plots of shrubbery, from amid ,which, peeping grimly foith, are three Russian trophies-two cannon from Sebastopol and one from Bomarsund, placed r?nere in 1857. The precipice from the edge the gun which is fired from Greenwich. A common joke of the High School boys is that the Duke of Wellington gets off his horse in front of the Register House 7uhen he hears the gun, lunches, and re-mounts his statuesque steed at two o?clock ! A little to the north of it, on a flat portion ot the hill, stand twelve magnificent Grecian Doric columns, the fragment of the projected national monument to the memory of all Scottish soldiers and sailors who fell by land and sex in the long war with France ; and, with a splendour of design corresponding to the grandeur of the object, it was meant to be a literal restoration of the Parthenon at Athens. The contributors were incorporated by Act of Parliament. The foundation stone was laid on the 27th August, 1822, the day on which George IV. visited Melville Castle. Under the Duke of Hamilton,
Volume 3 Page 108
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